Multiple framework contract to recruit short-term services in the exclusive interest of third countries benefiting from European Commission external aid, Lot 8
Locations:Africa, Asia, EU 27, Europe Non EU 27, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern America, Oceania
Start Date:2014
End Date:2017
Sectors: Health
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Feb 19, 2016
Multiple framework contract to recruit short-term services in the exclusive interest of third countries benefiting from European Commission external aid
Lot 8: Health, minimum number of B-Sectors: 12.
Duration: Up to the 31/12/2015 with possibility of extension of maximum 2 years.
The Framework Contract BENEF 2013 is extended for two more years and is valid from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2017.
As a minimum, the expertise is required to cover the entire project cycle:
a. programme or project design and implementation,
b. preparation of Terms of Reference (services) and technical annexes (works, supplies)
and evaluation of offers (Procurement),
c. evaluation of grant proposals
d. evaluations (ex-ante, interim, ex-post etc.), monitoring
as well as a number of horizontal aspects:
e. (Cross-) sectoral policy analysis and reforms,
f. Macroeconomics,
g. Public financial management
h. legislation, regulations and law enforcement, approximation of legislation,
i. institutional capacity development,
j. training and research,
k. awareness-raising, (incl. information and communication).
A. Public health
1. Health policy, health systems analysis, capacity analysis for strategic planning and implementation, planning, organisation, management of health care delivery systems (including operational research, assessment of sector governance processes, strategic decision making and change management, sector-wide approaches / donor co-ordination systems, post crisis rehabilitation of health care systems, public/private co-operation, regulation of the private sector)
2. Epidemiology (including communicable and non-communicable diseases, environmental health, health-related aspects of water and sanitation, epidemiological transition, demography),
3. Social issues and health (poverty and health linkage, health in the context of poverty reduction, access and equity, social inclusion in health, health rights and universal coverage policies)
B. Health economics and health financing
4. Health economics and financing (including cost analysis, sector budget analysis, assess of universal coverage policies)
C. Health care
5. Health care delivery (including referral system, health technology assessment, evidence based care, quality management and quality assurance, accreditation, laboratory services, blood banks, infrastructure planning)
6. Reproductive health care (including family planning and emergency obstetric care)
D. Human Resources development
7. Education / training of health professionals (curriculum development, vocational and academic training in health, costing and institutional aspects of training, continuing health and medical education)
8. Human resources planning / management (including workforce management, motivation analysis, leadership and strategic capacities in the health sector, health worker migration)
E. Pharmaceutical sector
9. National drug policy development, procurement, distribution, quality assurance, dispensation of drugs
10. Global influences on access to medicines, in particular legal assessment and health impact assessment of national legislation and of global agreements in the medicines area, in particular with respect to intellectual property rights.
F. Health promotion
11. Essential concepts in health promotion (including risk factors for major communicable and non-communicable diseases, family planning, nutrition, specific risk group approaches – e.g. children, adolescents, mothers, elderly persons, commercial sex
workers, migrant workers, social, ethnic or behavioural minorities and marginalised populations)
12. Policy / institutional framework for health promotion (leadership and advocacy, multisector approach, social and cultural inclusion, health promotion agencies, self-help, interfaces self-help / professional services)
13. Behavioural change (evidence based behavioural change approaches, information –education – communication (IEC), media).
G. Health Metrics
14. Assessment of availability, appropriateness and quality of health data (facility- and population-based data) and of health information systems Health impact assessment of health interventions and of non-health interventions and policies
15.Health impact assessment of health interventions and of non-health interventions and policies