European Investment Bank (HQ)

Pulse surveys & in-depth staff satisfaction surveys

Last update: Aug 28, 2015 Last update: Aug 28, 2015


Start Date:
End Date:
Sectors:Human Resources, Statistics Human Resources, Statistics
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Aug 28, 2015

Associated funding

Associated experts


File reference number attributed by the contracting authority: VP-1172

The notice involves: The establishment of a framework agreement.
Information on framework agreement: Framework agreement with a single operator.

Contract No: 1

Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
The EIB seeks a service provider who, during the 4-year period of the framework agreement, will deliver and administer up to 4 pulse surveys and 1 in-depth staff attitude survey. The purpose of the surveys is to gauge the satisfaction of EIB staff members Bank-wide and per Directorate and Department about their motivation and professional environment. The pulse survey consists of not more than 10 questions about satisfaction and motivation and not more than 5 questions to understand about the respondent's profile. Participants have the option to complete the pulse survey in either French or English.

Duration of the contract or time limit for completion: Duration in months: 48 (from the award of the contract).

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