Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Entrepreneurship, start-ups and SME Skills Development: analysis and recommendations for the Lombardy Region, Italy

Last update: Apr 6, 2016 Last update: Apr 6, 2016


Start Date:
End Date:
Contract value: EUR 4,000
Sectors:SME & Private Sector SME & Private Sector
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Mar 28, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Detailed description of project:

Pinto Consulting experts formed part of a team of OECD experts tasked with reviewing and making recommendations for improving the policy framework in relation to SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Skills. Pinto Consulting was responsible for the preparation of two Chapters focusing respectively on:

- Entrepreneurship and SME Skills
- New Enterprise Creation (start-ups)

Type and scope of services provided:

Provision of expertise:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Participation as member of Expert Group.
- Discussions and data collection in Lombardy.
- Preparation of detailed report including learning models.

Client: OECD

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