Design of a Public Sector Reform Accountability Programme in Nigeria - State Accountability and Voice Initiative II (SAVI 2) Programme
Locations:Nigeria, UK
Start Date:Nov 1, 2014
End Date:Jan 31, 2015
Contract value: GBP 40,009
Sectors: Public Administration
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:May 26, 2016
Contract For: The design of a Public Sector Reform Accountability Programme in Nigeria - State Accountability and Voice Initiative II (SAVI2) Programme
Purchase Order Number: 40087444
The aim of this is to develop a Business Case (with all required annexes) for a programme to succeed the State Accountability and Voice Initiative (SAVI) Programme in Nigeria. Informed by the Business Case, the necessary bidding documents will be prepared to enable DFID to contract with appropriate service provider(s) to implement the programme. The Strategic Case will be provided at the start of the design mission.