Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ)

Humanitarian evidence systems mapping in East Africa

Last update: May 26, 2016 Last update: May 26, 2016


Locations:Africa, UK
Start Date:Oct 13, 2014
End Date:Oct 12, 2015
Contract value: GBP 79,705
Sectors:Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Research Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Research
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:May 26, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Contract For: Humanitarian evidence systems mapping in East Africa

Purchase Order Number: 40086665


The objectives of this research project are to carry out:
-A mapping exercise that describes and analyses the humanitarian research and evaluation landscape in East Africa;
-An analysis of the political economy of commissioning, undertaking and uptake of humanitarian research and evaluation in East Africa;
-Recommendations on the opportunities to support the strengthening of regional or national research and evaluation capacity on both the user and producer-side.

In relation to the first objective, Annex B sets out the starters of a framework which could be applied to an East Africa context.

It should be noted that a number of the DFID commissioned mapping studies summarised at para 9 included compiling comprehensive databases of research organisations active within particular sectors or geographies. This is not an objective of this research study. The focus is instead on understanding who the main actors are and how they are networked/linked within a research and evidence system.

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