Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ)

Output to Outcome Evaluation of the WASH component of the Health Sector Reform Programmes in Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha

Last update: Jun 2, 2016 Last update: Jun 2, 2016


Locations:India, UK
Start Date:Aug 17, 2015
End Date:Mar 30, 2016
Contract value: GBP 399,970
Sectors:Monitoring & Evaluation, Water & Sanitation Monitoring & Evaluation, Water & Sanitation
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jun 2, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Framework Agreement for: Global Evaluation Framework Agreement GEFA

Framework Agreement Purchase Order Number: 5859

Call-down Contract For: Output to Outcome Evaluation of the WASH component of the Health Sector Reform Programmes in Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha

Contract Purchase Order Number: 7206


Purpose of the evaluation
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess progress towards programme outcomes; generate evidence on the value of co-locating WASH within health sector programmes; and to document and learn lessons on models for promoting and sustaining community-based sanitation and hygiene promotion at scale.
The purpose of the evaluation is also to review the implementation process including linkages with government policy and strategy; service delivery and demand side mechanisms; management; and monitoring. This should generate lessons that will facilitate improved performance and support scaling up by state governments, at the same time meeting accountability needs in terms of assessing the contribution of outputs to outcomes and Value for Money.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are:

Objective 1: To assess progress of the WASH components of SWASTH (Bihar), MPHSRP (MP) and OHSNP (Odisha) against their output targets as set out in the respective logframes; and assess the extent to which outcomes are likely to be realised.

Objective 2: To document and review the costs and effectiveness of the various community-based approaches to sanitation and hygiene promotion being applied in the three state programmes; and to review their potential (costs, feasibility, replicability etc) for adoption by government to deliver at scale.

Objective 3: To assess the value of locating the WASH interventions within broader health and nutrition programmes, in terms of health, nutrition and WASH outcomes.

Objective 4: To assess the impact of DFID support (TA) in terms of improving the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of government WASH programmes (Nirmal Bharat Abiyan/Swachh Bharat Abiyan) and National Rural Drinking Water Programme) in each state.

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