Assistance to Ukraine in the process of implementation of energy sector reform in line with Ukraine`s international commitments
Start Date:
End Date:
Contract value: EUR 2,229,950
Sectors: Energy, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jul 26, 2016
Contract title: Assistance to Ukraine in the process of implementation of energy sector reform in line with Ukraine`s international commitments
Publication reference: EuropeAid/136039/DH/SER/UA
Contract number: ENPI 2016/345-995
Contract description: The overall objective of the contract, of which this contract will be a part, is to support the continuing implementation of the energy sector strategy in Ukraine, including the deepening of reforms in the key areas, strengthening the financial sustainability in the energy sector and ensuring greater transparency and environmental awareness in the energy sector.
The purpose of the contract is to provide assistance to the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and other relevant stakeholders in the process of implementation of international commitments in the energy sector taken by Ukraine in the framework of the Association Agreement/DCFTA and the Energy Community Treaty in the following areas: electricity, oil, statistics, environment, RES and social issues.
The contract will also assist the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and other relevant stakeholders in the process of implementation of the EU-funded budget support operation "Continued support for the implementation of Ukraine's energy strategy" financed in the framework of the Annual Action Programme 2012 part 2 in favour of Ukraine.
In addition, the contract will support institutional capacity development of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine – state executive authority in charge of formulation and implementation of state policy in energy sector of Ukraine.
Duration: 30 months