Reconstruction Credit Institute /Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (HQ)

Program for support to decentralization (PAD) – Phase 1

Last update: Aug 15, 2016 Last update: Aug 15, 2016


Start Date:
End Date:
Contract value: EUR 1,328,930
Sectors:Decentralization & Local Development, Inst. Devt. ... See more Decentralization & Local Development, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Procurement
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Aug 15, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Name of client: AGETUR-TOGO

Detailed description of project:

This project aims at strengthening three medium-sized cities (Sokodé, Tsévié and Kpalimé) by promoting small-scaled economic circuits especially through sustainable use of available economic infrastructures, and improving local governance to ensure the delivery of infrastructures and basic services to the population and develop political participation at local level. On the long term, these cities shall become regional economic hubs and contribute to improve the life of the populations. The project of the financial cooperation consists of three main components:

  • Construction or rehabilitation of identified primary infrastructures for the first phase, especially for markets and/or bus stations (control of delegated works by AGETUR-TOGO);
  • Capacity development and support to communal administrations and other relevant stakeholders, in close collaboration with the GIZ, in following sectors: project identification and participatory planning of the infrastructures (through a local coordination committee and an innovative M&E system so that monitoring and evaluation can be performed by the citizens), tendering, control of works (control of delegated works by the consultant in the first phase for (1) one small infrastructure in each community), technical and construction supervision, income generation and recovery, financial management and controlling of the works, implementation, management, sustainable operating and maintenance of the infrastructures;

Implementation of a sustainable M&E system to be used by the citizens in order to promote transparency and local participation as well as to make them aware of the community administrative procedures. The citizens will be invited by the local radio to send messages addressing some community issues (to be defined by the local coordination committee) via SMS or by calling a central number.
The first phase of the project is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development for 5 million EUR and by the Togolese Government for 0.79 million EUR.

Type of services provided:

Component 1: The consultant of the Financial Cooperation is responsible for ensuring the quality of each implementation step carried out by AGETUR-TOGO, especially in terms of:

  • Control of the quality of the planning (baseline studies, preliminary design, detailed design);
  • Quality assurance of the tender documents;
  • Quality assurance of procurement and contract award;
  • Monitoring of the control and the implementation of works;
  • Control of financial proposals and costs, with co-signature of the calls for funds;
  • Support to temporary and final approvals;
  • Monitoring and control of the social and environmental impact studies;
  • Monitoring of the application of the employment-intensive approach (“HIMO”);
  • Support for all KfW non-objections needed for the project implementation.

Component 2: Capacity development and support to communal administrations and to other relevant local stakeholders (in collaboration with GIZ). The consultant of the Financial Cooperation is responsible for the implementation of the component 2 in the first instance. He supports the communes as client’s representative in the implementation of small investment projects (phase 1) – one for each commune, value < 25 million FCFA. The communal administration itself signs the contracts with the planning and construction firms. The consultant supports the communes in every step.

Component 3: Creation, implementation, organization and sustainable management of an innovative monitoring and evaluation system to be used by the citizens via mobile telephony.

Support to the project management (financial management including a maintenance fund, reporting, coordination and quality assurance).

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