
CNR - CSIC Project: Integrated sedimentological-geomorphological approach to monitor coastal changes

Last update: Dec 14, 2016 Last update: Dec 14, 2016


Locations:Italy, Spain
Start Date:2009
End Date:2010
Sectors:Environment & NRM, Research Environment & NRM, Research
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Dec 14, 2016

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme: Agreement for Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation between CNR and CSI
Project title: Integrated sedimentological-geomorphological approach to monitor coastal changes. Comparison between two case studies: the Barcelona littoral and the Venice area.
Summary: The project is mainly aimed at analysing and comparing the geomorphological and sedimentological modifications occurred in the last century in the Venice and Barcelona littorals and at recognizing the dynamic processes, both natural and human-induced, responsible for these changes. Multidisciplinary investigations allow the identification of the cause and effects relations between environmental variations and coastal evolution.

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