International Labour Organization (HQ)

The roles and responsibilities of DCC and LGRD&C as ILO’s primary partner in the Urban Informal Economy (UIE)

Last update: Mar 15, 2018 Last update: Mar 15, 2018


Start Date:Oct 25, 2017
End Date:Nov 25, 2007
Sectors:Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Labour Market & Emplo ... See more Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Labour Market & Employment, Youth
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Mar 27, 2017

Associated funding

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SSI formulated the design options regarding the roles and responsibilities of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) and the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (MoLGRD&C) as ILO’s primary partner in Urban Informal Economy (UIE) under the National Time Bound Programme’s (TBP’s) Dutch-funded Urban Informal Economy (TBP-UIE) Project of ILO, which is one of the first major programmes under the Urban Informal Economy component of the TBP. The TBP-UIE project aims at providing an integrated package of both up- and downstream activities, drawing from the insights generated from the pilot project and at developing sustainable models for an UIE for replication at larger-national-scale upon the availability of funds and in alignment with the overall framework of the national TBP.
The objectives of the TBP-UIE project are formulated under the following major strategies:
Child worker protection
Child worker education and preparation for employment
Prevention through social and economic development
Capacity building for sustainability
Employer: National Time Bound Programme Project Support: Urban Informal Economy (BGD/07/01/NET), International Labour Organisation, IPEC

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