Women in the Labour Market - Empowering and activating women in labour market
Start Date:Sep 2, 2010
End Date:Sep 2, 2011
Contract value: EUR 10,295,164
Sectors: Gender, Labour Market & Employment
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Sep 28, 2012
Croatian Employment Service, Department for Financing and Contracting of EU Projects (CES DFC) is seeking proposals for activities that increase the employability of disadvantaged women and assist their access to the labour market by supporting development and implementation of more effective labour market policy and tailor made methods of work targeting disadvantaged groups of women in the labour market in Croatia with financial assistance from the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2009 for Croatia, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, 2007HR05IPO001 (IPA 2007-2009).