Five Tractors to the agricultural COOPs located in Bekaa and South Lebanon and and one (1) Bucket truck for Younine Municipality including Training, Lot 1 and 2
Start Date:Jul 14, 2017
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: USD 153,890
Sectors: Vehicles
Reference Number: LEB/CO ITB/79/17
Project Title: Lebanon Host Communities Support (LHSP) Project
Contract Reference Number: LBN10-0000019246
Assignment: Five Tractors to the agricultural COOPs located in Bekaa and South Lebanon and one (1) Bucket truck for Younine Municipality including Training, Lots 1 and 2
Lot 1: Five (5) Tractors to the agricultural COOPs located in Bekaa and South Lebanon: Hermel, Mashghara, Fakiha, Houla
and Majdel Zoun including training
The technical specifications were developed for tractors needed for the agricultural COOPs in Bekaa (Hermel, Mashghara and Fakiha) and south (Houla and Majdel Zoun) in order to support agriculture activities among the communities. The awarded company shall ensure the supply of five (5) tractors and deliver them to the agricultural COOPs. In addition to that, the supplier will further ensure proper training for assigned COOP staff, farmers and cooperative members on the use and maintenance of the supplied equipment.
Lot 2: Bucket truck needed for Younine in order to improve electricity and lighting conditions among the communities. The awarded company shall ensure that the bucket truck is delivered to the municipality and provide training to the concerned personnel on how to use the truck.
Lot 1: two (2) months
Lot 2: two and a half (2.5) months