317063 results
Construction & Real Estate Manufacturer. Dealing construction materials. Building also costructions. We are also distributor of some import products from Korea, Malaysia ecc. We interest to develope uor business. We want import some more products step by step from China.
Awards: 5
Jobs: 0
M-CRIL is a social enterprise that provides high quality professional services to Institutions and Programmes for the economic enhancement of the lives and livelihoods of low-income families.M-CRIL's area of expertise includes, Impact Investing; Economic Development - inclusive finance, responsible finance, digital financial services; Agriculture, value chains; Poverty and inclusive growth; Govern...
Awards: 7
Jobs: 0
The Izmir Archeology Museum is an archeology museum in Izmir, Turkey, containing a number of artifacts from around the Gulf of Izmir. Most of the artifacts, which include busts, statues, statuettes, tools, and various eating and cooking utensils, come from the Bronze Age, or from the Greek and Roman periods.
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
Fethiye museum was first established as a storage facility in 1962, with the historical artefacts collected from city and its environs during the reconstruction period after the earthquake in 1957. Fethiye is located on the ancient city of Telmessos which was the west end city of the ancient Lycia Region and port city of Teke Peninsula. The Museum opened to public in 1987. Citizens of Fethiy...
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
Created in January 2007 and managed by Sabine Sidawi Hamdan, Orjouane Productions specializes in the production of films (feature films and medium length) and documentaries. The company now regroups to producers who cover all aspects of production while working closely with different Lebanese and European filmmakers and technicians.
Awards: 2
Jobs: 0
2012 is a turning point, which comes almost fifty years after the launch of the Cinema Commission, from which the Cineteca di Bologna then sprouted: from the first of January, the Film Library is indeed a Foundation. A new statutory form that the Cineteca has chosen to give its best to use its energies, to open up to more dynamic perspectives of work and research, to affirm an increasingly proacti...
Awards: 4
Jobs: 0
Uçaneller Kültür Sanat Derneği Genel Sanat Yönetmeni Mesut Sarıoğlu, yaptığı yazılı açıklamada, Avrupa Birliği ve Merkezi Finans Birimi destekli \'\'Karşılıklı Anlayış İçin Kültür Diyalogları Projesi\'\' kapsamında Bulgaristan\'ın Smolyan kentinde bulunduklarını belirtti.
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
S.C.RETRASIB S.A. SIBIU is a company specialized in the manufacturing of equipments of the power grid and distribution.  
Awards: 3
Jobs: 0
Easen International is an Engineering, Consulting and Investment company specializing in providing Environmental and Infrastructure solutions for industrial clients, international development organizations and government agencies. EASEN has built its strengths in the areas of: Industrial Water & Wastewater Treatment Soil and Groundwater Remediation Municipal Water & Wastewater Treatment S...
Awards: 50
Jobs: 0
With a presence in over 60 countries, ISOFOTON strives to convert radiation from the sun into an effective, clean and competitive energy alternative. Since 2010 ISOFOTON is part of the AFFIRMA Group, a company with broad experience in the development of solar projects and a leader in the manufacture of solar trackers. The combination of know-how and experience of both firms in the field of solar ...
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
Es una organziación comunitaria de la sociedad civil, que nace para liderar y coordinar el Programa de Desarrollo y Paz en una Región golpeada por la violencia y con altos índices de pobreza en sus poblaciones, los Montes de María (Colombia). Como iniciativa de movilización social, vincula a campesinos, indígenas, afrodescendientes, desplazados, mujeres, hombres, jóvenes, niños, sectores producti...
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
La société « Les Câbleries du Sénégal » est spécialisée dans la production de câbles en tous genres. Dotée de matériels de production et d’appareils de contrôles de la plus haute technologie, elle entend couvrir les besoins de toute la zone Ouest-Africaine, de par la multiplicité et la qualité de ses produits.
Awards: 7
Jobs: 0
Kültürel ve sanatsal çalışmalar yapmak üzere 2008 yılında kurulmuştur.
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions. As a proven partner focused on building tomorrow's enterprise, Infosys enables clients in more than 30 countries to outperform the competition and stay ahead of the innovation curve. Ranked in the top tier of Forbes’ 100 most innovative companies, Infosys – with $7.4bn in annual revenues and 155,000+ employees – provi...
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
KPMG provides Audit, Tax and Advisory services and industry insight to help organizations negotiate risks and perform in the dynamic and challenging environments in which they do business. KPMG International is one of the world’s leading professional services networks. It comprises over 152,000 people in member firms in more than 156 countries.  The Russia and Belarus firms have formally left the ...
Awards: 8
Jobs: 0
İstanbul Digital Culture and Art Foundation has been established under the leadership of İnterpro Holding to explore the impact of digital technologies on our culture, and promote and support creative works that interconnect the disciplines of arts, science and technology.Our mission is to explore the impact of digital technologies on our culture, and promote and support creative works that interc...
Awards: 3
Jobs: 0
Europski edukacijski forum nevladina je udruga koja djeluje na području obrazovanja i savjetovanja za europske integracije, potičući informiranu raspravu o prednostima, nedostacima i mogućnostima članstva u Europskoj uniji te uključivanje u programe i aktivnosti koje nudi EU. EEF je osnovan 2002. godine na inicijativu grupe trenera i predavača koji su prošli sveobuhvatni program edukacije o insti...
Awards: 2
Jobs: 0
School of Economics, Peking University was established in 1985. Its predecessor is Department of Economics, established in 1912 by Mr. Yan Fu, after he was assigned the President of Peking University. School of Economics, Peking University is one of the oldest faculties in the university, and the first economics faculty among China’s higher education institutions. The academic structure of School ...
Awards: 0
Jobs: 0
Provident Capital (K) Ltd
Awards: 2
Jobs: 0
Country:Burkina Faso
GDS AFRIQUE est un cabinet d’ingénierie-conseil et de développement spécialisé dans l’accompagnement, la promotion et le développement des PME/PMI actives dans les différents secteurs de l’économie. Il regroupe en sein des professionnels de hauts niveaux et de cultures diverses, et participe au développement des compétences.
Awards: 0
Jobs: 0
Haruwani Associates t/a Nyange Developers & Gen Serv
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
Gavis General Merchants Limited
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
Violence against women is still today a social problem of world proportions. We of Difference Women are committed to the fact that in Italy and in every country violence is won, in the belief that women are a great social resource only when their rights and dignity are respected: only countries that fight violence against women are included. of law in the most advanced companies.Our mission is to ...
Awards: 5
Jobs: 0
Country:North Macedonia
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia (MHC) is a non-governmental organization for human rights promotion and protection, without any political and religious orientation. The reasons why the MHC exists are: (i) to increase the awareness about the concept of human rights and basic freedoms.
Awards: 8
Jobs: 0
Country:North Macedonia
The establishment and development of the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) closely followed the transitional changes in Macedonia. MCIC was established in 1993, by several local initiatives with support from the Dutch Interchurch Aid (DIA) and the World Council of Churches (WCC). The establishment came in response to the problems arising from Yugoslavia’s break-up, heralding a...
Awards: 24
Jobs: 0
The mission of the FOCUS-MEDIA Foundation is creating healthy, tolerant and prosperous communities through enlightening, educating and involving people and organizations in activities aimed at improving their living conditions and health. We provide people with the methods and instruments which help them to improve themselves and the world around them.The FOCUS-MEDIA Foundation successfully develo...
Awards: 1
Jobs: 0
Entreprise Generale Malta Forrest, we are General Construction and Civil Works contractors. We undertake a wide range of projects in the fields of Electro-Mechanical, Telecommunications and Sustainable Energy among others. We have gained a lot of expertise in offering turnkey project solutions in these fields in Kenya since 1995.We are enthusiastic about our clients’ requirements and are committed...
Awards: 3
Jobs: 0
Since 2006 Tailored Cents Ltd has been steering the civil and structural engineering industry by designing ideas, solutions, business and the future. Tailored Cents Ltd attributes its success to the team of innovative, dynamic professionals who come together to conceive state of the art solutions that cater to the clients’ needs. The firm is fuelled on shared synergies of sound business manageme...
Awards: 2
Jobs: 0
We are aleader and benchmark in the events market.
Awards: 4
Jobs: 0