iPresas (Ingeniería de Presas S.L.)

iPresas (Ingeniería de Presas S.L.) Member

Jobs 0
Shortlists/Awards 20
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 14
Last update: 10 days ago Last update: Jan 27, 2025
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Spain
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:IADB, WB, Other
Inter-American Development Bank (HQ), World Bank HQ, Other
Sectors:Civil Engineering, Information & Communication Tec ...
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Civil Engineering, Information & Communication Technology, Research, Training
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


iPresas is a technology-based spin-off company of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) with expertise focused on flood risk management and integrated safety and security management of dams and other critical infrastructures.

The technical support provided by iPresas is based on its development of methodologies and tools for the application of risk analysis techniques to critical infrastructure management and natural hazards, as well as software development derived from these needs.

iPresas' team, with its experience of more than 20 years in dam safety, has developed an innovative methodology for calculating and modeling risks in dam-reservoir systems and flood risks. Use of this methodology offers great added value for decision making in risk reduction measures.

In addition to this innovative tool, a main asset of iPresas is its extensive know-how in the field of dam safety and natural hazards risk analysis. This know-how has been acquired, used and extended through several research projects and professional applications all around the world.

iPresas has an Environmental and Quality Policy , which defines our commitment to act within the parameters of sustainable development, maintaining control and management of environmental aspects. Likewise, it establishes a common framework for defining the objectives and carrying out the activities that contribute to the continuous improvement of the environmental and quality management system.
At iPresas we have a total commitment to the quality of our services and great respect for the economic, social and environmental environment. That is why we have a comprehensive management system that includes the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management standards .


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