Hämeen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Häme University of Applied Sciences

Hämeen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Häme University of Applied Sciences Member

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Last update: Dec 12, 2024 Last update: Dec 12, 2024
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Legal residence:Finland
Organization type:Academic institution
Funding agencies:ADB, EC, IADB, WB, Other, Horizon 2020, Horizon Eu ...
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Asian Development Bank (HQ), European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), Inter-American Development Bank (HQ), World Bank HQ, Other, Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020), Horizon Europe (2021 - 2027)
Nr. of employees:501-1000
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) is a multidisciplinary, workplace-orientated higher education institution. HAMK offers 30 Bachelor’s degree programmes, 12 Master’s degree programmes and professional teacher education. Ten of the degree programmes are taught in English. HAMK’s seven campuses are situated centrally in the greater Helsinki metropolitan area of southern Finland. 

HAMK’s roots stretch back to 1840, when agricultural education began at the Mustiala Campus. The Evo Campus, meanwhile, is Finland’s oldest school of forestry. It was founded in 1862 and is still operating today, surrounded by its 1800 hectares of observational forest. At the end of the 19th century, Fredrika Wetterhoff founded in Hämeenlinna a handicrafts school which taught weaving and sewing and trained teachers. Horticulture education, meanwhile, began in the manor surroundings of the Lepaa Campus in 1910. Later on, in the 1950s and the following decades, the technical, healthcare and commercial institutes in Forssa, Hämeenlinna, Riihimäki and Valkeakoski were established to meet the region’s educational needs. The School of Professional Teacher Education is rooted in the earlier tradition of teacher education in Hämeenlinna that started in 1959. 

Nowadays, HAMK offers degree programmes in its schools of bioeconomy, wellbeing, technology, entrepreneurship and business, and professional teacher education. In addition, HAMK offers continuing education and further education.  As Finland is undeniably well known for its strengths in the field of education, here at HAMK we offer educational products also for the global market.  

HAMK has a student population of around 8000, and around 600 employees. We use various online tools in studying and working. Our graduate employment rate is one of the highest in Finland as is also the rate of graduate who start their own business. Alongside our Finnish students we have foreign students from around 65 different countries. HAMK is the 8th largest university of applied sciences in Finland and the only higher education institution in the Kanta-Häme region in southern Finland. 

HAMK has four research units: HAMK Bio, HAMK Edu, HAMK Smart and HAMK Tech. These carry out applied research, support teaching and promote regional impact according to their focus areas. Concrete examples of the work in the research units are assignments commissioned by companies and the public sector as well as various research, development and innovation (RDI) projects. Around 130 RDI projects are carried out at HAMK each year, and around one fifth of these are international in scope. 

HAMK has launched the Entrerpreneurial University concept, which was registered as a trademark in 2021. It is a study environment where students can build their own study path, experiment and develop their own business ideas, and work in different teams.   

HAMK has an extensive partner network. In Finland, HAMK’s strategic partners are Aalto University, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Laurea University of Applied Sciences, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) and HUMAK University of Applied Sciences. HAMK is a member of the RUN European University, which includes eight European higher education institutions. In addition, HAMK is also part of the international Beyond alliance, which includes HAMK, Feevale University in Brazil and Via University College in Denmark. HAMK also has a large number of development projects in Africa. 

HAMK has operated as a limited liability company since the beginning of 2015. The shareholder municipalities for HAMK Ltd are Hämeenlinna, Forssa, Riihimäki, Valkeakoski, Hattula and Tammela. HAMK also has two subsidiary companies Häme Vocational Institute, which offers vocational upper secondary education, and Häme Summer University, which offers open university-level education. 

The communication channels of Häme University of Applied Sciences include its website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. On its own open publication portal HAMK Unlimited, HAMK publishes articles as well as a monthly newsletter (in finnish) and a wide range of blog posts (finnish and english). In addition, HAMK’s open events and webinars can be found in the HAMK event calendar. 

The Finnish higher education system comprises universities and universities of applied sciences that are authorised by the government. The quality systems of Finnish higher education institutions are audited systematically by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre . HAMK was the first ever higher education institution in Finland to receive the highest status “advanced” for its quality system. 


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