MTBS - Maritime and Transport Business Solutions B.V.

MTBS - Maritime and Transport Business Solutions B.V. Member

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Shortlists/Awards 90
Pricing strategy 5
Partners/Competitors 139
Last update: Today Last update: Feb 6, 2025
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Netherlands
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:TMA, ADB, AfDB, EBRD, EC, EIB, IADB, WB, Other, AF ...
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TradeMark Africa (former Trademark East Africa), Asian Development Bank (HQ), African Development Bank (HQ), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HQ), European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), European Investment Bank (HQ), Inter-American Development Bank (HQ), World Bank HQ, Other, French Development Agency (HQ), Caribbean Development Bank (HQ), Japan International Cooperation Agency HQ
Sectors:Logistics, Transport, Water Navigation & Ports & S ...
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Logistics, Transport, Water Navigation & Ports & Shipping
Nr. of employees:11-50
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


MTBS - Maritime & Transport Business Solutions B.V. is an international finance and strategy advisory firm, offering entrepreneurial business solutions to clients in the maritime and transport sector. MTBS specializes in ports and terminals, and provides leading expertise in the areas of strategy, valuation, transactions and finance. The firm combines its market sector knowledge and state-of-the-art financial competences into one value proposition: “4P: innovative solutions for Port Public Private Partnerships”.

Maritime & Transport Business Solutions - MTBS is an international finance and strategy advisory firm, offering entrepreneurial business solutions to clients in the maritime and transport sector. MTBS specializes in ports and terminals, and provides leading expertise in the areas of strategy, valuation, transactions and finance. The firm combines its market sector knowledge and state-of-the-art financial competences into one value proposition: “4P: innovative solutions for Port Public Private Partnerships”.

The firm’s approach is to specialize in the sector that it knows so well, rather than to provide generic services across all of industry and commerce. Because of this, MTBS has a natural and distinctive advantage over its competitors. The chief purpose of MTBS is to enable Clients to identify, implement and protect value-creating investment and divestment opportunities, and to achieve the quality profits that these undertakings offer. This specialization has made MTBS a global market leader in ports and terminals, including logistic centers, inland ports, free zones, export processing zones, inland waterways and related transport industry players.

The expertise and experience of the MTBS professionals is firmly rooted in the unique combination of their maritime and transport sector experience on one hand and sophisticated advisory capabilities on the other. Fields of expertise covered by the firm’s in-house experts include (port) strategy, business, transactions, finance, economics, legal, policy, institutional, organizational and operations. MTBS is committed to working enthusiastically with its Clients to achieve sustainable solutions.

MTBS advises public and private clients at boardroom level in the maritime and transport sector on their strategic and financial business issues. Public Clients include port authorities, ministries of transport, other governmental bodies, international financial institutions (including developments banks), and public port operators. Amongst MTBS’ private Clients, there are terminal operators, shipping lines, commercial banks, real estate developers, shipbuilders and engineering firms.

For its port intelligence, MTBS draws not only on its (project) experience, but the firm can also turn to its broad international network in the port sector. MTBS has direct access to terminal operators, shipping lines and financial institutions around the world. This enables them to communicate with all key players in the market and offer their Clients professional and high quality business solutions in a direct and personalized style.

MTBS is based in Rotterdam, Netherlands, the maritime gateway to Europe and one of the largest ports in the World. The firm has its headquarters in the historical “White House”: a famous monument in the Old Port Area in the centre of the city. This classical building is a land-mark against the modern skyline of buzzing Rotterdam. MTBS is proud to call this historical building its “Home Port”.


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