DRI - Democracy Reporting International (Ukraine)

DRI - Democracy Reporting International (Ukraine)

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Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Ukraine
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Democratization, Inst. Devt. ...
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Civil Society & NGOs, Democratization, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Sanctions:Check now

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DRI started working in Ukraine in 2014 in the lead up to the snap parliamentary elections in October of that year. In this period, DRI prioritised promoting transparency by monitoring, analysing, and publicising the legal reforms instituted by the Ukrainian Parliament. DRI considered it crucial that citizens were informed about the progress of reforms and the continuing reform debates occurring in the Ukrainian Parliament before they cast their vote.

In the post-electoral phase of this project, DRI expanded its activities and began to engage with students, foster a dialogue on the reform process and provide legal expertise to Ukrainian CSOs and stakeholders in the constitutional reform process.

Afterwards, our 2016-2018 project was similarly based on awareness-raising and empowerment so that individuals could monitor the progress of reforms, acting as watchdogs of the process, and effectively advocate for change. The project additionally sought to create links between various activists across Ukraine, so that they could help each other thrive.

While we are now moving into the next phase of our project, we continue to go beyond Kyiv and empower regional actors of change to contribute to key political reforms, which we have been doing since 2014.

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