DCA - DanChurchAid

DCA - DanChurchAid

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Last update: May 25, 2023 Last update: May 25, 2023
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Zimbabwe
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Rural DevelopmentRural Development

Attachments 0


DanChurchAid is a Danish faith-based civil society organization. It was founded in 1922 by representatives of the Danish Evangelical Church, which continues to be a key DCA constituency. DCA is also supported by volunteers, supporters, and staff working hard to save lives in many countries. DanChurchAid supports the needy and poorest of the world in their struggle for a dignified and better life and helps those whose lives are threatened.

We provide emergency relief in disaster-stricken areas and long-term development assistance in poor regions – to create a more equitable and sustainable world. Our work is derived from Christian values. We show active compassion, share with the world’s poorest, and help those in need. The situation of each individual is the starting point for our work, with respect for human rights and equality. We engage with local organisations, and seek to influence decision makers to improve conditions for the poorest. We work closely with faith-based and other partners, and break new ground in our partnerships to make the greatest possible difference in the world.

We show leadership and maintain our 100 years of tradition for action and innovation. By experimenting and testing new ways of working with volunteers, donors and partners, we help people in poverty and distress to find a better life and have hope for a better world.

Our values
Compassionate: We respect and welcome differences and are obligated to help others. We walk that extra mile for people in need and encourage dialogue whenever possible. We work hard to ensure that people have equal rights and are treated equally.
Proactive: We create positive change by taking action when needed. We create space for innovation and are constantly curious on new ways of working. We seek engagement with others to break new ground.
Responsible: We are transparent and accountable in all actions and create sustainable solutions. We inspire trust by leading by example with integrity. We consider the bigger picture and develop solutions that will provide sustainable and effective aid work.
Respectful: We respect the wishes and preferences of the people we help and act respectfully in all activities. We learn from our colleagues and partners to strengthen our organisation.


Global temperatures and extreme weather events are on the rise. Those most at risk are poorer countries and within them marginalised communities. Their capacity to manage and adapt to climate changes is limited and undermining livelihoods. Productivity of crops and livestock decreases in the absence of adaptation measures.
Many communities have increasing numbers of young unemployed people that do not have access to viable livelihoods. Inequalities and power imbalances between e.g. urban and rural communities, men and women, and rich and poor, affect all aspects of these communities.
Across all these vulnerable communities, we see discrimination and exclusion because of ethnicity, gender, age, religion and severe human rights violations here under lack of access to protection, basic services, productive and natural resources, resilient methods as well as decision-making forums.

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