
Logic Plus
Jobs • 0
Shortlists/Awards • 5
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Partners/Competitors • 32
Pricing strategy
Legal residence:Kosovo
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ), European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), Reconstruction Credit Institute /Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (HQ), United Nations Development Programme (HQ), Government, Lux-Development, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (HQ), European Training Foundation
Sectors: Agriculture, Architecture, Audit, Banking, Civil Engineering, Culture, Decentralization & Local Development, Democratization, Education, Energy, Environment & NRM, Finance & Accounting, Information & Communication Technology, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Justice Reform, Labour Market & Employment, Law, Logistics, Mapping & Cadastre, Marketing, Monitoring & Evaluation, Nuclear, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment), Poverty Reduction, Science & Innovation, SME & Private Sector, Social Development, Standards & Consumer Protection, Statistics, Trade, Training, Translation, Urban Development, Water & Sanitation, Youth
Nr. of employees:2-10
Logic Plus is one of Kosovo’s leading consultancy firms, providing advisory and training services in Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and the Balkan region. Our successful track record includes work for a wide range of ex-Provisional Institutions of Self Government (PISG) and current Kosovo Institutions including government Ministries, NGO’s, UN bodies, World Bank, European Commission and NATO (KFOR). Logic Plus’s core competencies include project management, higher education and vocational advisory, research and technology, labor market, contracting, legal advisory, management consulting and systems delivery.
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