Deakos srl

Deakos srl Member

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Last update: about 23 hours ago Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Italy
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:Other
Nr. of employees:11-50
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Deakos was born from the will of Dr Ettore de Angelis, Pharmacist and Researcher, to put the many experiences of his career to good use.
Curious and tireless researcher, Director of the Navy Hospital, he managed the post-earthquake emergencies in Friuli and in other areas affected by earthquakes by preparing, organizing, managing field hospitals, as first aid and emergency-experiences which, in addition to to develop in him the idea of the indispensability of the continuous relationship between professional doctor and patient, has led him to devote himself more and more to listening to the latter, thanks also to an out of the ordinary passion and empathic ability.
After the experiences as owner of Pharmacy first and Parapharmacy after (still in progress), he again dedicates himself to the study of medicinal plants, in particular of some exotic plants still little known and little used in official medicine. From the study of some of them the intuition that puts him on the path of the production of natural products (cosmetics, parapharmaceuticals, food supplements) aimed at replacing antibiotic therapies in some pathologies, discovering that he can shed light in a shaded area of current medicine.

Thus was born a line of products to counteract the so-called diabetic foot, a side effect of a serious pathology, which has itself become an invalidating pathology, currently neglected by official medicine.

The excellent results pushed him to continue, until he dedicated his studies to the possibility of overcoming the dependence on antibiotics in urinary tract diseases.

Also in this case the direct line and an open communication with dozens of colleagues, hundreds of professionals and thousands of patients suffering from various pathologies, characterized by a continuous flow of requested information, feedback, closely monitored, allows him to fine-tune a series of highly innovative products, completely natural and with a very low impact on the organism, to the point of being able to free the patient from the vicious circle of antibiotics in most cases.

The guideline of Deakos is now clear: the desire to formulate natural medicine products, to the detriment of the often harmful antibiotics, is now, more than a simple intuition, a doctrine, born from the need of thousands of women and men who daily they turn to him for advice and suggestions, increasingly dictated by the failure of antibiotic therapies in some fields, such as urinary tract diseases, but not only.

The esteem he enjoys among the most well-known and established professionals allows him to constantly compare with them to add up their mutual experiences and develop increasingly targeted products that arise from the real needs of patients, from the study of their pathologies and from the manifestations of effects of the latter, supported by serious and competent research in the pharmacological and phytotherapeutic fields.

Recently Deakos has decided to bring together her experience in the study of some pathologies in the veterinary field, to fight certain ailments that affect, besides the man, his closest friends and companions, always faithful to the principle of starting from the total safeguard of the health, of bipeds and quadrupeds, and drawing on that grandiose set of resources, which is available to all of us, that natural supermarket of medicine that is the world of nature.

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