ERM - Environmental Resources Management (Colombia)

ERM - Environmental Resources Management (Colombia)

Jobs 55
Shortlists/Awards 0
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Colombia
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Environment & NRM
Environment & NRM

Attachments 0


ERM has had a presence in Colombia since 2005, and now employs over 70 staff in our Bogota office.
Our office is strategically located in one of the city's more centralized commercial areas, allowing us to interact closely with all of our clients. ERM has continually supported its clients in Colombia by leveraging our international experience to:

Work with clients towards environmental licensing through studies that satisfy the requirements of the appropriate stakeholders
Estimate reserves for managing environmental liabilities, while implementing effective solutions to manage said liabilities, recovering the net value of our clients’ assets
Provide sustainable solutions using proven techniques developed in countries that have a relatively long history of environmental governance
Reduce costs by using an integrated approach to provide solutions to an array of environmental and social challenges
Provide a "one stop shop" for all of our clients' environmental and social needs by offering international, multi-disciplinary project teams
Assist in the development of guidelines and standard operating procedures that provide transparency to industrial and environmental authority stakeholders, reducing time and cost to get projects reviewed and approved
Approach environmental authorities (agencies) with a proven local track record, and a renowned international reputation
Our Colombia team has been recognized as an industry leader in the service offerings in which we have focused in this region, including:

Impact Assessment and Planning (EIA)
Contaminated Site Management
Compliance Assurance
Due Diligence and Transaction Support Services
Climate Change and Atmospheric Quality
Social Consulting (including Previous Consultation and Resettlement)
Health, Safety and Physical Security; and
Sustainability Strategy
Our team has been instrumental in helping the Colombian Petroleum Association and the Ministry of the Environment develop a risk-based approach to calculate target levels for contaminated sites, and we have provided technical guidance on environmental and social impacts of emerging practices in our clients’ industries, including development of Unconventional Resources.

Our vision and reputation in the marketplace are focused on ethical and responsible operations, transparency with stakeholders, and technical excellence in order to promote sustainable operations for ERM and for our clients.



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