Business Without Borders Romania - BWB

Business Without Borders Romania - BWB

Jobs 0
Shortlists/Awards 1
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 12
Last update: May 25, 2023 Last update: May 25, 2023
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Romania
Funding agencies:EC, Other, CEDEFOP
Sectors:Education, Labour Market & Employment, Training, Y ... See more Education, Labour Market & Employment, Training, Youth
Sanctions:Check now
Status: Active

Attachments 0


Business Without Borders (BWB) is a non-governmental organization which addresses interested people in the field of Business Entrepreneurship.

BWB started as a youth project along with other international youth proposals initiated in the Youth Action Forum (September 2004, Macedonia), with participation of entrepreneurs from UK and South-East Europe region (Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Kosovo, Romania).

BWB was supported by the British Council.

BWB Romania’s main goal is to create the appropriate tools and to provide people with the support they need in order to access information and to experience real-life situations in the field of business entrepreneurship and management.

BWB Romania’s main target group consists of people aged over 18 and future business entrepreneurs with no starting experience, regardless of their social and ethnical background, who have both the interest and the abilities for gaining theoretical and practical knowledge in business field.

The people involved must have the capacity to learn, to be executive, to put theory in practice, to find the optimal solutions and last but not least, to enjoy being an entrepreneur.

BWB provides education, training and consulting for young people interested in establishing their own business through practically-oriented activities and theme workshops. Through consulting, cross-border networking and other opportunities, the beneficiaries of BWB Romania will be involved in a step-by-step process with access to a system based on a complex entrepreneurial customized resource package.

BWB Romania aims at supporting and encouraging original business views and self-initiative.

BWB Romania cooperates with experienced business people, other educational partners or NGOs in order to raise support and to get more active involvement in conducting and developing the training and the business starting process.


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