Accept International

Accept International

Pricing strategy0
Last update: Mar 25, 2024 Last update: Mar 25, 2024
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Japan
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Conflict, Human Rights, YouthConflict, Human Rights, Youth
Nr. of employees:11-50
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


We focus on issues that have been overlooked internationally, despite the significant demands from the people suffering from it. Much to the concerted effort of international society, aid and compassion have been seen against the socially vulnerable, such as children, women, and refugees. However, it is the people who get shut out from such trends that cause terrorist actions.

When tackling issues, our organization does not operate under the basis of empathy, but rather under objective reasoning. Therefore, it is the problems that are of urgent concern, however rarely looked upon, that we should and must commit to. This is why we work in areas of unending conflicts, such as Somalia, and against those who have been isolated from communities, for instance, ex-combatants of extremist groups and gang members.

Despite the high demands, the issues regarding counterterrorism and conflict resolution are scarcely addressed, since actors tackling them face various restrictions. Factors such as high risk, lack of effective solutions, and the deficiency of social support, significantly account for the difficulty to tackle the issues. Facing such major setbacks, Accept International will never give up. We are determined to establish a precedent for the solution to violent extremism and conflicts.

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