KPL Security Group

KPL Security Group

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Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Somalia
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Risk Management (incl. insurance), Security
Risk Management (incl. insurance), Security
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Kangaroo Procurement and Logistics (KPL) Group is a supply chain management firm specializing in providing timely and tailored services to various clients from the business sector, governments, non-governmental organizations, and third-party organizations in Somalia, Somaliland, and the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia, as well as their partners across Somali-inhabited regions. In Somaliland, the company has operational offices in six main regions of the country as well as Aynabo and Gebilay. The company’s headquarters is in Hargeisa. In south-central Somalia, the company has offices in Mogadishu and Garoowe. Additionally, KPL Group has representatives for the other federal member states. The main office for Southern Somalia is also in Mogadishu, and that office supports our operations in Southern Somalia.

The primary goal of our work is to develop and implement innovative technical solutions to the procurement, transportation, logistics, and security challenges faced by the business and development sectors within the Horn of Africa region. KPL Group has a proven track record of providing standard translations and interpretation services, long-term business solutions based on the needs of current clients and esteemed past clients, or the provision of translation services, logistics, and transportation services, including strategic ministries in Somaliland, Puntland, and FGOS, INGOs, LNGOs, CSOs, and international development companies and humanitarian organizations working in all regions of Somaliland. The main clients we provide security, transportation, logistics, and procurement services to include the EU Mission to Somalia, EU Education, GIZ, Save the Children, IBF international consulting, RTI/IRG International, Mine Advisory Group, Garda World, Rapid SAS Security, ZCMCM Mining, China Shanhe Construction and Engineering Company, Brilliant Mining, SONYO, SOYDAVO, SONSAF, PUNSA, Qatar Charity Somaliland, Emirates Red Crescent, Taakulo Somali Community, and various other humanitarian and development organizations.

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