
BDO Armenia CJSC
Jobs • 0
Shortlists/Awards • 81
Pricing strategy • 1
Partners/Competitors • 57
Pricing strategy
Legal residence:Armenia
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies: Asian Development Bank (HQ), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HQ), Millennium Challenge Corporation (USA), World Bank HQ, International Fund for Agricultural Development (HQ), Japan International Cooperation System, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Sectors: Audit, Finance & Accounting, Micro-finance, Risk Management (incl. insurance)
Nr. of employees:11-50
Linked entities:UAE, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Egypt, Pakistan, Malawi, Botswana, New Caledonia, Fiji, Lebanon, Togo, South Africa, Norway, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Laos, Armenia, Kenya, Zambia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Guatemala, Myanmar, Singapore, Panama, Colombia, Australia, Albania, China, Luxembourg, Canada, Israel, Moldova, Paraguay, Mozambique, USA, Namibia, Morocco, El Salvador, Brazil, Uruguay, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Peru, Turkey, Jordan
BDO in ARMENIA is the member of the BDO Network, a worldwide network of public accounting firms, called BDO Member Firms. With more than 1,400 offices in over 154 countries, BDO is the fifth largest network in the world.
BDO offers professional services to all types of businesses. We do research for you and bring to the table the knowledge and expertise of the most experienced staff.
We gain expertise through our clients. We work with them across the broad range of sectors and provide each client with in-depth knowledge in field and the most relevant specific approaches.
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