
CDC - Consultancy Development Centre
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Legal residence:India
Organization type:Government agency
Funding agencies: Other
Sectors: Civil Engineering, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Programme & Resource Management, Training
Nr. of employees:11-50
CDC was formed with a visionary belief that India's economy is poised to grow at an enormous pace and the opportunities are innumerable & therefore what is required, is precise direction and knowledge to encash these opportunities, where consultancy plays a pivotal role.
Consultancy Development Centre (CDC) set up as an Autonomous organization of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India for promotion, development and strengthening of consultancy skills and capabilities in the country including enhancement of export of consultancy and professional services.
The journey of CDC started way back in 1986 from the premises of FIEO with its Secretary General as Honorary Director General of CDC. Set up as a nodal organization for promotion, development and strengthening of consultancy skills and capabilities in the country and abroad in 1986, CDC has made significant progress in emphasizing the need for effective use of consultancy in various sectors of our society and economy.
CDC has played a pivotal role in sensitizing clients and users of consultancy services on various aspects including quality based selection, consultancy project management, negotiating and drafting a consultancy contract, how to get best out of a consultant.
In the changed policy and economic environment at national and international levels, “Knowledge” is being considered as “Power”, and consultancy is a knowledge based profession. CDC aims at fostering and promoting intellectual cross – fertilization of knowledge and ideas at regional and sub- regional levels within the country and interaction at the international level as well.
Since its inception, CDC has been in constant pursuit of its mission to attain excellence in activating, catalyzing, and invigorating the growth of consultancy profession. The Centre has emerged as a nodal agency for the development and promotion of consultancy capabilities in the country and endeavored to contribute towards the growth of consultancy services in the country, through its various programmes and ctivities.
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