
Bureau Veritas - Senegal
Jobs • 0
Shortlists/Awards • 3
Pricing strategy • 0
Partners/Competitors • 3
Pricing strategy
Legal residence:Senegal
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies: World Bank HQ, Lux-Dev
Sectors: Standards & Consumer Protection
Linked entities:Tanzania, Jordan, Ecuador, Latvia, Serbia, Georgia, Canada, Uzbekistan, UAE, France, Cameroon, Vietnam, Poland, France, Angola, Portugal, Benin, Japan, Ghana, Dem. Rep. Congo, Spain, France, Bangladesh, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Pakistan, Brazil, Mozambique, Zambia, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Philippines, Singapore, Romania, Italy, Mongolia, Slovakia, USA, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Congo, Kazakhstan, UK, Argentina, Lebanon, Cote d'Ivoire, Slovenia, France, Netherlands, Ukraine, Turkey, China, Spain, France, France, France
Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC), delivering high quality services to help clients meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility. As a trusted partner, Bureau Veritas offers innovative solutions that go beyond simple compliance with regulations and standards, reducing risk, improving performance and promoting sustainable development. Bureau Veritas core values include integrity and ethics, impartial counsel and validation, customer focus and safety at work. Bureau Veritas is recognized and accredited by major national and international organizations.
We are a world leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification. Our mission is at the heart of key challenges: quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility. Through our wide range of expertise, impartiality and independence, we foster confidence between companies, authorities and consumers. For 190 years, our brand has been synonymous with integrity and trust, for the benefit of business and people.Bureau Veritas is a Business to Business to Society company, contributing to transform the world we live in.
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