Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International - AHBFI

Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International - AHBFI

Pricing strategy0
Last update: May 25, 2023 Last update: May 25, 2023
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Legal residence:Kenya
Funding agencies:Other, Horizon 2020
Sectors:Administration, Agriculture, Environment & NRM, Fi ... See moreAdministration, Agriculture, Environment & NRM, Finance & Accounting, Food Security, Science & Innovation
Nr. of employees:11-50
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Africa Harvest Biotechnology Foundation International (Africa Harvest) was founded in 2002 and is incorporated in the USA as a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation. Its headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya and it has regional offices in Washington DC, USA and Johannesburg, South Africa.  Africa Harvest’s mission is to harness modern science and technologies to help Africa achieve food security, economic well-being and sustainable development. Africa Harvest delivers on its mission in a number of ways:

* Tapping into a global network of agricultural and development expertise with the intention of ensuring that Africa does not miss out on new, relevant scientific and technological developments that can turn around Africa’s agricultural fortunes
* Implementing a scientific program that priorities Africa staple crops typically grown by small-scale farmers for subsistence
* Ensuring new science undertaken complies with regulatory and safety concerns
* Building technical expertise and institutional capacity so that Africa too can generate its own science and technology products
* Building awareness and knowledge among target audiences including the media, policy makers, farmers and other stakeholders


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