Forzley & Associates

Forzley & Associates

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Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:USA
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:ADB, AfDB, USAID, Other, WHO
Asian Development Bank (HQ), African Development Bank (HQ), United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ), Other, World Health Organization (HQ)
Sectors:Health, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Law
Health, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Law
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Forzley & Associates was founded by Michele Forzley in 1979. Our team is comprised of licensed lawyers and policy experts with postgraduate degrees in law, public health, global health and development economics. A uniquely qualified team makes Forzley & Associates the leading global expert in health development, SDGs 3, 16 and 17 and the law. We have three main streams of work; health sector development, CSSAR and UN Health Update.

Health Sector Development and the Law: We recognize that law is an essential tool to achieve objectives in the health sector and those sectors that impact human, animal and plant health. Legal architecture, meaning legislation, regulatory institutions and regulatory instruments such as contracts, regulations, standards and more is an indispensable key to sustainable and resilient health systems and capable, functioning institutions that achieve health goals. Forzley & Associates has assisted numerous countries in developing and operationalizing legal architecture to support sustainable institutions and regulatory effectiveness so that health services and medical products and technologies are accessible and available. We serve public and private sector clients who are international, national and regional governmental and non-governmental organizations in AFRO, SEARO, WPRO, EMRO and EURO countries.

CSSAR: Corporate social responsibility has evolved to to what we call CSSAR, corporate social sustainability, accountability and responsibility. Various frameworks have been developed and are being developed to "obligate" or influence corporate behavior towards supporting social goals, captured by the Sustainable Development Goals. Some refer to CSSAR as "ESG" and though they are related CSSAR is more than ESG. Forzley & Associates advises multi-national and domestic corporations on how to identify relevant frameworks, comply with them and report progress.

Examples of our services for the health regulator, or generally the ministry of health including single payors include;

  • Institution building and organizational design/redesign with the law as its architecture. Analysis, review and drafting laws and other legal documents,
  • Good governance and "operationalizing” the law –aligning day to day functions and departmental activity with the law and aligning law to health sector objectives,
  • Decentralization to achieve strengthened health care delivery, "autonomous" public hospitals and boards,
  • Trade, health and intellectual property.

Improving the quality of health care services through building and strengthening regulatory systems
We enhance regulatory systems around the technical and scientific best practices for health care facilities and providers.

  • Access to legal and regulatory information: we collect and build a library of standards, laws, regulations, application forms, instructions and guidelines available in digital or hard copy for reference by all.
  • Regulating the private health sector including the licensing of private health sector actors: establishing modern regulatory and licensing systems for private hospitals, clinics, and labs, for health professionals, and the actors in the medicines supply chain – such as importers, distributors and manufacturers.
  • Health finance and insurance systems: including the contracts with providers and members and drafting the legislation to support the system. We also work with systems to increase domestic revenue mobilization and to identify and structure finance mechanisms for the health system.
  • Monitoring/aka/inspection: instituting modern inspection practices based on objective standards and aligning SOPs with regulatory frameworks.
  • Law enforcement mechanisms of internal review boards, sanctions and referral to prosecution and anti-corruption measures.
  • Workforce development leveraging the civil service structures to achieve health workforce goals.
  • Public Private Partnership contracts, legislation, and design.

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