Hydropolitics Association

Hydropolitics Association

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Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Turkey
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Water & Sanitation
Water & Sanitation
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Water will play a critical role in reshaping policies and economy of the 21st century.

As the national water resources are getting polluted and becoming insufficient due to rapid increase in population, inefficient uses, migration to urban sections, industrial activities and current global warming and climate change, significance of international surface and groundwaters are increasing. Limiting impacts of water on social and economic development of countries especially of some regions of the world will no-doubt bring the current problems into an upper level. Such a case will bring national and international water use policies (Hydropolitics) into more forefront than today. There is a need for more comprehensive works to be done in this issue also in Turkey

In brief, we are rapidly moving toward significant national and international hydropolitics approaches (increased food, water and energy relationships).

Since the beginning of 20th century, significant efforts have been spent to create legal bases and consensusesabout water-related issues. However within the scope of up-to-date agreements, practice laws and general legal principles, a system of rules covering final provisions and judgments and binding entire countries globally have not been created, yet.

At the beginning of 21th century, beside trans-boundary surface waters, problem of trans-boundary ground waters was included into the country agendas. UN relevantcommission has already initiated works on this latter issue.

The unlimited development model, being implemented with industrial revolution, water resources pollution, increased consumption stress over water resources, uneven spatial and temporal distribution of water, ever-increasing climate pressures, increased water-energy-food relationships all have brought the water management into top of the world agenda.

21st century will be a century marked by Water, Energy and Food security.Ever-increasing relationships among those three security concepts with a central focus on water also increased the works and efforts on international water policies.



The Hydropolitics Association , to be proposed, was initially designed as a web-site over which academics and experts from various disciplines may present opinions and propose suggestions.HPA will foster the existence of a community of experts with the purpose of aiding in management and use of water for the benefit of all humankind.


  • To foster dialogue between organizations involved in global water,energy,food resources matters.
  • To increase society’s awareness for sustainability .
  • To contribute to the prevention and resolution of national and international water resources conflicts.
  • To promote sustainable water resources management.
  • To foster a society of learning, dialogue and cooperation among decision makers, water professionals, science, industry, civil society and politicians in water resources management and water conflict resolution.

National and international water management is not only the subject matter of engineering disciplines but also concerns the other disciplines such as economy, international relations, environment, meteorology, climate, oceanography and statistics.

A team composed of different disciplines should get together time-to-time and make round-table meetings to share their knowledge and experiences in joint works.Hydropolitics Academy aims to take a humble step forward to form such a multidisciplinary joint work environments.

Mission:To perform multi-disciplinary scientific and technical works about national and international water management issues and to provide support in using water as a means of peace and collaboration for both the region and the world.

Vision:To be an international innovative, participatory and directive information and education  center on local, regional, national and international water management policies.

What does  the Hydropolitics Association  do?

  1. Publish articles and analyses covering up-to-date evaluations,
  2. Prepare reports about specified issues,
  3. Perform round-table meetings and publish the outcomes as brief reports,
  4. Organize conferences and seminars,
  5. Develop international relations with scientific academies and centers and share knowledge and experiences with them,

6.Provide support to works of relevant universities, public institutions and organizations of the country.

7.HPA  aim to publish a Scientific "Water Resources and Hydropolitics Magazine" with in next two years .

8.Using Webiner software, HPA will  try to organise some interactive seminers and conferances betwwen experts,academics ,decision makers,politicians on  international water and  water related  matters.

The ultimate goal of the HPA is to establish an  educational  programme that will give a multidiciplinary vısion and   bring young experts from areas of disputed waters together in practical co-operation .The programme will address  "water resources co-operative actions" and  "water resources conflict resolution related to international rivers management,water resources sustainability,  technological innovations and improvements, and research and development"

Who will be the members of the Association?

From various water resource management disciplines, the expert and active academics, instructors, ambassadors, upper level managers and administrators of public institutions and organizations, experts and other individuals approved by the Academy administration will be the members of the Academy. Opinions and suggestions of those members will be published in Academy web-site.

Membership is based on the assumption that all members will actively participate in the work of the Association.Membership is based on the assumption that all members will actively participate in the work of the Association.

.Membership is accorded on an individual basis. No one can be selected for the simple reason that she or he has succeeded a member of the Association in a position or a chair. Each candidate shall be judged on his or her own merits

The Board of Trustees  shall consider and make a decision regarding the Hydropolitics  Associations’s Admittance Committee’s (AC) recommendations. 

The Institutional Development

The institutional development of the Association  planned on the basis of Hydropolitics Academy  at achieving the broadest participating approach in

  • further development of the membership base
  • assuring the broadest possible involvement of members in the development of the Academy
  • assuring member participation in programme activities
  • networking building among members
  • contacts between industrial partners, and institutional partners, and decision makers

*Projects  together with academia and water related organisations

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