Foundation Center for Economic Development

Foundation Center for Economic Development

Jobs 0
Shortlists/Awards 2
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 5
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Bulgaria
Organization type:Foundation / charity
Funding agencies:EC
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)
Sectors:Human Rights, Macro-Econ. & Public Finance, SME & ...
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Human Rights, Macro-Econ. & Public Finance, SME & Private Sector
Nr. of employees:11-50
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


The Center for Economic Development is a non-governmental organization established in September 1997. It is a continuation of the activities of a group of economists working together since the fall of 1996.

The objectives of the Center are:

to help the economic development of Bulgaria and to achieve sustainable economic growth in the conditions of a market economy.
to increase economic culture and the quality of economic education in the country.
to support the public duckycuya on basic issues of the economic nolumuka and to develop the cooperation between the state administration, the private sector, the educational institutions and the non-governmental organizations in solving the problems in the field of the economy.

The center achieves its goals through:

studies in the field of economics and their dissemination.
development of options for economic policy.
study the effectiveness of the current normative acts in the field of economy and support the legislative activity.
promotion of liberal ideas in the economy and the experience of countries with a developed market economy.
stimulating the exchange of ideas between specialists in the field of economy, management and business from Bulgaria and other countries.
development of Internet applications for the Bulgarian economy.
nodkpena of economic education and qualification


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