Hellenic Rescue Team (H.R.T.) / Elliniki Omada Diasosis

Hellenic Rescue Team (H.R.T.) / Elliniki Omada Diasosis

Pricing strategy0
Last update: Dec 5, 2023 Last update: Dec 5, 2023
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Greece
Funding agencies:EC, Other, FP7, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe
Sectors:Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Research, TrainingHumanitarian Aid & Emergency, Research, Training
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


The aims of The Hellenic Rescue Team (H.R.T.) are mainly:

- to provide assistance to the community in the form of humanitarian missions, first aid, life support, risk prevention, preparedness and training in research, rescue in Greece and abroad and through the Organization annexes, in situations of:

emergencies and national need, when dealing with disasters or serious environmental hazards such as earthquakes and in situations where persons are stranded (snow, floods, wildfires) and where search operations are conducted for missing persons especially in mountainous or maritime zones, in damaged buildings, open areas). The offering of assistance in manpower and technical equipment may be made available by the Organization to anyone that requests it, in the context of rescue and at the international level;
natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, avalanches, etc.);
anthropogenic disasters (wildfires, massive accidents, etc.);
anthropogenic crises (wars and their consequences); and
in any other exceptional situation comparable to natural or anthropogenic disasters.
- the provision of emergency humanitarian, food, development and any other type of assistance, such as restructuring and recovery, to the populations of third and particularly developing countries, as well as taking initiatives that can contribute to the economic and social development of these countries in cooperation with the Service for International Development Cooperation (ISDC - Hellenic Aid) and the National Advisory Committee (NAC) for NGO issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Education, the Ministries of Development, Health and Welfare, etc. as well as the Interministerial Committee for the Organization and Coordination of International Economic Relations (CIER) through programs of Bilateral State Development Cooperation and assistance programs and programs of the European Union external relations, of the DAC and other multilateral international organizations and bodies of international development cooperation and particularly programs financed by the European Community Humanitarian (ECHO) or any other governmental or not agency, which conducts, finances, manages or assigns programs consistent with the statutory purposes of the organisation. The realisation of these programs by the members can be done through working with a credible local partner or through the mobilisation of the local community.


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