Tender reference number: CleanHydrogen/ OP/Contract 353
Title: European Hydrogen Safety Panel
Description: In light of the expected increase of the activities of the European Hydrogen Safety Panel compared to those carried out in the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking programme and with the ultimate goal of maximising the impact of its activities, the Clean Hydrogen JU is launching this call for tenders with a view to concluding a single service framework contract for the setup, organisation, management, and coordination of the European Hydrogen Safety Panel (the EHSP) and its activities. The objective of the present call for tender is to avail the JU of the support services to setup, manage, organise, and coordinate the EHSP and its activities, contributing to ensuring that the EHSP, and the Clean Hydrogen JU, are in the position to achieve its objectives.
Contract type: Services
Procedure type: Open procedure
Status: Open
Submission Method: Electronic
Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS): Framework agreement
Award method: Best price-quality ratio
TED publication date: 07/08/2023 00:00
Question deadline: N/A
Answer deadline: N/A
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 18/09/2023 17:00
Conditions for opening tenders (date): 19/09/2023 10:00
The call for tenders has no lots.