Project ID: P147665
Project Title: Jamaica Foundations for Competitiveness and Growth
Country: Jamaica
Region: Latin America and Caribbean
Fiscal Year: 2015
Borrower: Ministry of Finance and Planning
Implementing Agency: Planning Institute of Jamaica
Abstract: The development objective of the Foundations for Competitiveness and Growth Project for Jamaica is to strengthen the business environment in Jamaica for private sector investment. The project comprises of four components. The first component, enhancing competition in the business environment will provide technical assistance (TA) and implementation support to address critical business regulation and procedural issues that constrain firm entry, operation and expansion, competition, and trade and logistics. The second component, facilitating strategic private investments will finance studies and TA to enable the government to prepare and close large strategic investment transactions with private sector participation. It includes following two sub-components: (i) project preparation facility (PPF); and (ii) TA and studies for investment support. The third component, supporting small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) capabilities and financing will provide support directly to SMEs by funding a combination of supply chain learning, skills upgrading, and finance. It consists of following two sub-components: (i) SME supply chain support and skills upgrading; and (ii) SME finance. The fourth component, project implementation and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) includes following two sub-components: (i) project management and implementation; and (ii) TA for communications and productivity evaluation.
Development Objective: To strengthen the business environment in Jamaica for private sector investment.