Project ID: P166865
Project Title: Sri Lanka Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project
Country: Sri Lanka
Notice No: OP00246590
Notice Type: Invitation for Bids
Notice Status: Published
Borrower Bid Reference: LK-MOMDE-163051-CW-RFB
Procurement Method: Request for Bids
Language of Notice: English
Submission Deadline Date/Time: Sep 27, 2023 14:00
Published Date: 09-Sep-2023
Description: Rehabilitation of Tank Bund including Rip-Rap and both Sluice to Meiyankal Tank (IWWRMP-2/WORKS/EPC/OCBN/300)
Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project (IWWRMP)
Project No: P166865, Loan No: IDA-6621-LK
1. The Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has applied for financing from the International Development Association (World Bank) towards the cost of Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project (IWWRM Project) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payment under the contracts mentioned in the schedule below.
2. Project Director of IWWRM Project, invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the following Rehabilitation works under Eastern Provincial Council Irrigation Department as given in the Table 01, on behalf of the Chairman, Project Procurement Committee of Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project.
Table 01
No. |
Contract |
Description of Work |
Experience / CIDA Registration |
Bid Security and Validity Period |
Non-Refundable Bid Document Fee (Rs.) |
Average annual volume of construction work & Minimum liquid assets (Rs.) |
1 |
LK-MOMDE-163051-CW-RFB |
Rehabilitation of Tank Bund including Rip-Rap and both Sluice to Meiyankal Tank (Contract Period:365 days) |
Grade: C4 or above Specialty: Irrigation & Drainage Canals |
Bid security value: |
27,000.00 |
225.00 Mn & 38.00 Mn |
3. To be eligible for a contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and shall meet the requirements in the Bidding Document. Further the successful bidder shall have valid registration Grade in Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA) as mentioned in above Table under the specialty of Irrigation & Drainage Canals. Bidders are free to bid for more than one contract, but selections will be made according to the capacity limits in CIDA registration.
4. The Bidding documents may be available for inspection in the website for references.
5. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Senior Project Specialist (Contracts & Procurement), IWWRM Project, 2nd Floor, Mahaweli Centre Building, No. 96, Ananda Cumaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07 and inspect the bidding documents at the same address given above during 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM from 07.09.2023 to 26-09-2023 (on working Days) by prior notification. (Contact No: 0112691163)
6. Prospective Bidders can obtain the Bidding Documents by a written request on a company/firm letter head, addressed to the Project Director, IWWRM Project, 2nd Floor, Mahaweli Centre Building, No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07. from 07.09.2023 up to 26.09.2023 from 9.30 hrs to 15.00 hrs only on working days by prior notification (Contact No. 011-2691163), on payment of a non-refundable bid document fee as given above per set of Bidding Documents (Please refer Table: 01 for the amount) on Cash or sending the written request by email to with the scan copy of Bank Payment Slip paid the respective non-refundable bid document fee to the Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project Bank Account no. of 7042633 at Bank of Ceylon, Hyde Park Branch.
7. The pre-bid meeting and site visit will be conducted as mentioned in table 02. Bidders are requested to inspect the sites with the assistance of the relevant officer.
Table 02
No. |
Contract |
Description of Work |
Site visit |
Pre bid meeting |
Bid Closing and Opening (Date & Time) |
1 |
LK-MOMDE-163051-CW-RFB |
Rehabilitation of Tank Bund including Rip-Rap and both Sluice to Meiyankal Tank |
Date: 13th Sep 2023 Time: 10.00 AM Location: Office of the Deputy Director of Irrigation, Batticaloa Range, Eastern Provincial Council Irrigation Department |
Date: 15th Sep 2023 Time: 10.00 AM Conference room, IWWRMP 2nd Floor, Mahaweli Centre Building, No.96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07. |
Date: 27th Sep 2023 Time: 14:00 PM |
8. All pages of the Bidding Documents shall be signed by the bidder and affixed to his seal.
9. Completed Sealed Bid with duplicate, clearly marked the contract name and the number on the top left corner of the envelope may be dispatched either by Registered Post or hand delivered or courier to the Project Director, IWWRM Project, 2nd Floor, Mahaweli Centre Building, No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07 as specified in the Table 02. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter. Bidders or their authorized representatives, not exceeding two (2) in numbers, are permitted to be present at the opening of bids.
Project Director,
Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project
2nd Floor, Mahaweli Centre Building,
No.96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha,
Colombo 07.
Organization/Department: Integrated Watershed and Water Resources Management Project
Name: Lalith Wijeratne
Address: 2nd Floor, Mahaweli Centre Building, No.96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.
Postal Code:
Country: Sri Lanka
Phone: 94112691163