Project ID: P156019
Project Title: Sri Lanka Agriculture Sector Modernization Project
Country: Sri Lanka
Notice No: OP00269149
Notice Type: Request for Expression of Interest
Notice Status: Published
Borrower Bid Reference: LK-MOA-PMU-397462-CS-CQS
Procurement Method: Consultant Qualification Selection
Language of Notice: English
Submission Deadline Date/Time: Jan 29, 2024 00:00
Published Date: 19-Jan-2024
Description: Hiring of a research company / team of consultants to undertake Policy research to identify appropriate Financial Support System(s) for Smallholder Farmers, Farmer Producer Organizations/Farmer Companies of the Agriculture sector.
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries
Agriculture Sector Modernization Project (ASMP)
Hiring Research Teams for Policy Research Studies
Agriculture Sector Modernization Project implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries, funded by a credit facility obtained from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank and a grant received from the European Union. ASMP intends to apply part of the proceeds of the credit to eligible payments to hire teams of Consultants from qualified private sector organizations or registered professional associations of Sri Lanka to undertake the following policy research studies.
Procurement No LK-MOA-PMU-397462-CS-CQS
The selected consultant teams are expected to design, plan and execute the studies and to present the results with the recommendations to the ASMP and to the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries.
2.Qulification and Experience of the consultancy firm.
Consultancy firms /Professional Organizations should be well stablished firms in Sri Lanka and should have 10 years’ experience in similar consultancy work.
Expression of Interest must be produced the date of registration, work experience of the company, annual turnover last 5 years, number of similar assignments undertake over the last 5 years, indicating that they are qualified to undertake the task and indicating the qualification and experience of the consultants.
3. Short listing Criteria
i) Experience of the firm / Company
ii) Experience of undertaking similar consultancies
iii) Qualification & experience of the consultants (Key Staff) as per the TOR and any additional experts included
iv.) Experience of handling assignments relating to World Bank /ADB or any Donor funded Projects.
4. Eligibility /Conflict of interest
Prospective consultancy firms shall refer and adhere to the general provisions set out in the Guideline on selection of consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA credits and Grants by World Bank issued in April 2015.
5. Method of Selection
The EOIs will be evaluated by a technical committee appointed by the Project appointed Consultancy Procurement Committee (PCPC) and shortlisted consultancy teams will be requested to submit full technical proposals (RFP) to be considered for selection. The consultancy teams will be requested to make a presentation to the technical evaluation committee/PCPC in order to procure appropriate consultancy team.
A consultant team will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in the Guideline on Selection of consultants referred to in the section 4 above.
6. Invitation to submit Expression of Interest
PCPC of the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries now invite qualified private sector organizations or registered professional associations of Sri Lanka to indicate their interest in providing the consultancy service. Interested consultancy firms may refer “” to the TOR published in the ASMP website. Any clarification on this regard can be obtained at the address given below during the office hours or contact through the emails.
EOIs must be delivered under sealed cover by registered post or Hand delivery to the address below by 2.00 p.m on 29th January 2024. Please indicate the name of the particular assignment “EOI for Policy Research Project on (Insert relevant Procurement Number)” on the left-hand top corner of the envelope. One consultancy company/ professional association may submit proposal for one or more than one policy research program given in the advertisement.
Project Consultancy Procurement Committee, Agriculture Sector Modernization Project,
Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries, No 123/2, Pannipitiya Road, Battaramulla
Email:, T.P : 0094 112877550, Ext: 202 - Ms Asoka Jayakody Ext. 211 – Mr. W. Dhanachandra,
Organization/Department: Ministry of Agriculture-PMU
Name: Rohan Wijekoon
Address: No: 80/5, "Govijana Mandiraya",, Rajamalwate Rd, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
Postal Code:
Country: Sri Lanka
Phone: +94715328281