Project number CA-3-P012880001
Maximum contribution $249,099
Partner profile Parliamentary Centre (CA-CRA_ACR-2107817082)
Start and end dates 2023-08-02 - 2024-02-29
Project status Operational
Lead department Global Affairs Canada
Responsibility centre / program IFM International Security
Description: This pilot project of five months aims to enable women legislators in defence, security and peace portfolios to establish a functional network for peer support and exchange of experience. It seeks to set up a support the recently established Global Network of Women Legislators in Defence, Security, and Peace portfolios (WLID). This network acts as a functional mechanism to address barriers to increased representation and meaningful participation of elected women in conflict prevention and resolution. It serves as a platform to bolster the advancement of (WPS) National Action Plans. Project activities are primarily focused on steps to guide the creation of the WLID Secretariat and include: (1) consulting other regional and international networks to learn lessons and refine the niche of the network; (2) creating a work plan for WLID; (3) recruiting new WLID members; (4) designing and populating a secure WLID membership database; (5) developing internal and external communications plans; (6) developing concept papers for WLID activities; and (7) drafting a network membership orientation package.