Notice Type: Call for tenders
Call for tenders details
Procedure identifier: EMCDDA/2024/OP/0008
Submission method: Electronic
Status: Open for submission
The European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA ) is tasked with developing and providing training for professionals and policy makers based in the European Union and beyond, in the field of drugs related issues. In particular, the Agency is called to provide specialised training and curricula in areas of Union interest and relevance; provide training-related tools and support systems to facilitate Union-wide knowledge exchange; and to assist Member States in organising training and capacity-building initiatives. Various competence building materials on drugs related issues exist, internally and externally, but their quality and adaptability to the European context have not been evaluated. Building on the current extensive knowledge, EUDA will need to gather all the current and future training materials under one single, comprehensive and harmonised umbrella: the EU-COMP. The objective of contract is to fulfil the e-learning needs of the Agency’s new mandate in: • Creating a framework and a mechanism to design, evaluate, adapt and disseminate competence building materials. • Creating and making available an inventory of high quality, evidence-based, updated, manualised competence building materials.
Procedure type: open
Estimated total value: 300000 EUR
TED publication date: 21/08/2024
Lead contracting authority: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Main classification (CPV):
73210000 - Research consultancy services
Nature of the contract: Services
Maximum contract duration: 25 MONTH
Award method: best price-quality ratio
Framework agreement: None
Selection criteria: Suitability to pursue the professional activity - Please consult the procurement documents.
Economic and financial standing - Please consult the procurement documents.
Technical and professional ability - Please consult the procurement documents.
TED publication date: 21/08/2024
Date and time of public opening: 24/09/2024 10:00 Europe/Lisbon
Deadline for receipt of tenders: 23/09/2024 16:00 Europe/Lisbon
Contracting authority is not bound to reply to questions submitted after: 12/09/2024 01:00 Europe/Lisbon