Project number CA-3-P012680017
Maximum contribution $418,316
Start and end dates 2023-04-04 - 2024-03-31
Project status Operational
Lead department Global Affairs Canada
Responsibility centre / program GFM Pan-Geographic Coordination Branch
Description: The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) supports small projects proposed and implemented by local organizations in Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The CFLI contributes to the overall goal of reducing poverty by providing funding for small projects that offer direct social, economic or technical assistance to local populations. The CFLI retains the same broad themes set out since 2016, which align closely with the 6 pillars of the Feminist International Assistance Policy. This allows flexibility to respond to and focus on themes relevant to local needs. The 6 thematic priorities include: (1) contributing to inclusive governance, including diversity and LGBTQ2, democracy, human rights and the rule of law; (2) contributing to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; (3) contributing to peace and security, with a focus on conflict prevention and building peace; (4) contributing to growth that works for everyone, including women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, investing in the poorest and most vulnerable, and safeguarding economic gains; (5) contributing to environment and climate action, focusing on adaptation, mitigation and water management; and (6) contributing to human dignity, covering health, education and nutrition.