Updated on June 30th, 2016:
A. Proposed Development Objective(s) The overall objectives of the project are to: (i) improve coverage and quality of TB control and occupational lung disease services in targeted geographic areas of the participating countries; and (ii) strengthen regional capacity to manage the burden of TB and occupational diseases. Approval completed on 26 May 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P155658. US$ 60.0/62.0 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Republic of Mozambique Tel: 258-21-3150004, E-mail: roda,, Contact: Sua Excelencia Adriano Maleiane, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: 258-1-427131, E-mail:, Contact: Sua Excelencia Nazira Abdula, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: 265789789, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Peter Kumpalume, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: (260-211) 252-989, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Peter Mwaba, Permanent Secretary; Kingdom of Lesotho Tel: 26622321224, E-mail:, Contact: Hon. Mokoto Hloaele, Minister of Development Planning; Republic of Zambia Tel: 260211253786, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Ronald Simwinga, Permanent Secretary - EMF; Republic of Malawi Tel: 265789355, E-mail:, Contact: Hon Goodall E. Gondwe, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: 2665814396, E-mail:, Contact: Mamoruti Tiheli, Acting PS Health.
Updated on April 19th, 2016:
A.Proposed Development Objective(s) The overall objectives of the project are to: (i) improve coverage and quality of TB control and occupational lung disease services in targeted geographic areas; and (ii) strengthen regional capacity to manage the burden of TB and occupational diseases. Negotiations authorized on 21 March 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P155658. US$ 122.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Republic of Mozambique Tel: 258-21-3150004, E-mail: roda,, Contact: Sua Excelencia Adriano Maleiane, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: 258-1-427131, E-mail:, Contact: Sua Excelencia Nazira Abdula, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: 265789789, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Peter Kumpalume, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: (260-211) 252-989, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Peter Mwaba, Permanent Secretary; Kingdom of Lesotho Tel: 26622321224, E-mail:, Contact: Hon. Mokoto Hloaele, Minister of Development Planning; Republic of Zambia Tel: 260211253786, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Ronald Simwinga, Permanent Secretary - EMF; Republic of Malawi Tel: 265789355, E-mail:, Contact: Hon Goodall E. Gondwe, Minister; Ministry of Health Tel: 2665814396, E-mail:, Contact: Mamoruti Tiheli, Acting PS Health.
Updated on November 16th, 2015:
A.Proposed Development Objective(s) 38.The overarching goal of the project is to: (i) improve coverage and quality of key TB control and occupational lung disease services in targeted geographic areas of the four participating countries; and (ii) strengthen regional capacity to manage the burden of TB and occupational diseases. 39.The project thus seeks to strengthen an otherwise neglected area—occupational health and safety services and compensation services—which are intricately linked to the burden of TB in the sub-region. The project directly strengthens overall regional and national TB control efforts, though it places added focus on TB in mines as one of the key drivers of the TB epidemic. 40.Primary beneficiaries will be TB-affected individuals and households. More specifically, the project will mainly benefit mining communities, high TB–burden regions and cross-border areas of the four participating countries. Mine workers, exminers, their families, labor-sending areas, and health workers will be direct beneficiaries. The project will directly benefit women, particularly in the small-scale mining sector. Concept completed on 19 October 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P155658. US$ 120.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
Objective to be Determined. Identification completed on 6 May 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 120.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency (ies) to be determined.