European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HQ)

Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change (FINTECCC) TC Programme in Ukraine

Last update: Sep 3, 2019 Last update: Sep 3, 2019


Category:Consulting services
Sectors:Energy, Environment & NRM, Training, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment)
Contracting authority type:Development Institution
Budget: EUR 215,000
Date posted: Jul 21, 2017

Attachments 3

Associated Awards

Project cycle timeline




Business sector:Sustainable Resources and Climate Change

Project number:69965

Funding source:ECCC - EBRD-NIF Financing Technologies against Climate Change

Contract type:Consultancy Services

Notice type:Invitation for expressions of interest (CSU)

Issue date:20 Jul 2017

Closing date:28 Aug 2017   at  16:00   London


Project Description:

The EBRD’s FINTECC (Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change) programme is part of a global drive towards climate technology transfer for developing countries and countries in transition (climate technologies are any type of equipment that leads to less fossil fuel use by energy savings or renewable energy, reduces nitrous oxide or methane emissions from agricultural processes, or facilitates adaptation to the changing climate).

The FINTECC Ukraine programme is created to promote climate technology transfer into Ukrainian markets, developing specific measures to enable local environment for technology transfer, addressing policy, institutional, financial, and technical barriers, and to increase capacity of Ukrainian businesses to innovate in all areas of climate technologies’ development and deployment.

The FINTECC Ukraine programme combines policy dialogue to assist the Ukrainian government in designing an effective policy framework for climate technology transfer; technical assistance to facilitate Ukrainian companies in deployment of climate technologies; Innovation Voucher scheme to support Ukrainian companies in facilitating innovations in development and production of climate technologies; and specific in-country visibility and knowledge sharing and management component, which is the subject of this assignment.

A number of market assessment and knowledge sharing activities will be undertaken, building upon similar work and collateral already built by FINTECC in other regions. FINTECC is developing methodologies that aim to close the information gap on market penetration of technologies, climate resilience planning and climate technology investment definition, and delivering clear and consistent market intelligence. This approach ensures that data provides useful outputs for the purpose of structuring sustainable energy/resource financing projects and products. Increasing the level of publicly available information will help to create business opportunities along the supply chain from manufacturing, retail, and servicing of these technologies. In addition, the methodologies already developed within FINTECC will be tailored and applied within FINTECC Ukraine and will ensure that an up-to-date body of information is available with regards to the status of the climate technology market.

The project will assist the local private business in overcoming learning curve to develop/expand their manufacture/deployment of climate technologies (the “Project”).

The EBRD intends to engage a consultancy firm or organization (the “Knowledge Manager”) to run the knowledge sharing and management component of the FINTECC Ukraine (the “Assignment”). Please see the link to the detailed Terms of Reference here.

The Knowledge Manager will have the following responsibilities:

  1. Implement market studies to analyse technological, regulatory, and knowledge barriers and gaps in climate technologies in Ukraine, and deliver capacity building seminars/trainings for the above sectors;
  2. Design and deliver trainings and information dissemination campaign on greenhouse gases monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV), and socially responsible reporting practices, in the sectors to be identified by the Bank ; and provide coordination with the stakeholders, logistics arrangements, and visibility to the stand-alone assignments of specific tailored trainings within FINTECC Ukraine program;
  3. Support building collaborative networks, communication, and visibility for climate technologies, including, but not limited to, development of agriwastes-to-energy supply chain, and provide publicity and visibility of on-going FINTECC Ukraine investment program by disseminating success stories and case studies.

Status of Selection Process: Interested organization, firms or groups of firms are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest.

Assignment Start Date and Duration: The Assignment is expected to start in September 2017 and has an estimated overall duration of up to 24 months.

Cost Estimate for the Assignment: EUR 215,000.00 (exclusive of VAT). Subject to the availability of funding.

The Consultant must determine whether any VAT would be chargeable on the services and the basis for that determination, without taking into consideration the special status of the Bank as an IFI and state this to the Bank in their response to the Invitation for Expressions of Interest. To the extent that a Consultant incurs input VAT on goods and services purchased in connection with the provision of services (e.g. VAT on airline ticket) which is not otherwise recoverable by the consultant from the local tax authority, the gross cost to the consultant of such expenses shall be treated as a reimbursable expense.

Funding Source: The EU Neighbourhood Investment Facility

Eligibility: No eligibility restrictions apply.

Consultant Profile: Corporate services are required.

The Consultant will be a firm or consortium of firms, with the previous project experience and expertise in conducting market studies, training and capacity building, adult education, greenhouse gases emissions monitoring and verification, environmental governance and reporting, knowledge management and dissemination in the climate technologies, circular economy, and/or related fields, in Ukraine and/or in the former CIS region. The Consultant will preferably have previous project experience of working with IFIs and/or international donors in climate change, circular economy, and/or related fields, in Ukraine and/or in the former CIS region; and have local presence as well as an ability to mobilize international expertise.

The Consultant’s team should as a minimum consist of the following Key experts:

  • Team Leader with preferably 5 years of relevant professional experience in knowledge management, climate change, resource efficiency, environmental governance, capacity building;
  • Senior Expert with preferably 5 years of relevant professional experience in climate technologies (including, but not limited to, water efficiency in irrigation, heat recovery, wastes-to-energy);
  • Expert in greenhouse gases emissions MRV;
  • Experts with preferably 5 years of relevant professional experience in sustainable reporting; capacity building, adult education and training, communication.

Submission Requirements: In order to determine the capability and experience of Consultants seeking to be selected for this Assignment, the information submitted should include the following:

  • Company/group of firms’ profile, organisation and staffing;
  • Details of previous project experience or similar assignments preferably undertaken in the previous five years, including information on contract value, contracting entity/client, project location/country, duration (mm/yy to mm/yy), expert months provided (if different from duration) , main activities, objectives.;
  • CVs of key experts who could be available to work on the Assignment detailing qualifications, experience in similar assignments, particularly preferably undertaken in the previous ten years, including information on contracting entity/client, project location/country, duration (mm/yy to mm/yy), experts months provided, assignment budget, main activities, objectives;
  • Technical Approach and Methodology explaining the understanding of the objectives of the assignment as outlined in the ToR;
  • Completed Consultant Declaration Form and Contact Sheet, the template for which is available from the following web-link:

The above information should not exceed 20 pages excluding CVs and contact sheet.

The complete expression of interest (including CVs and Contact Sheet) shall be one file (pdf or Word), not exceeding 4MB, to be uploaded to eSelection. The EBRD reserves the right to reject applications of firms submitting more than one file. Only if the permissible file size is exceeded, the Consultant may split the expression of interest into further files.

Expressions of Interest shall be submitted, in English, electronically through e-Selection, to reach the Bank not later than the closing date.

Bank Contact Persons:

Maria Haugh

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

One Exchange Square

London EC2A 2JN

Tel: + 44 20 7338 7185


(submissions should be sent through eSelection and NOT to this email address)


Note 1. The selection will normally be made from responses to this notification only. The highest-ranked Consultant will be selected from a shortlist and be invited to negotiate the contract, subject to availability of funding.

Note 2. The evaluation criteria are as follows:

2.a. Firm’s project experience and expertise in conducting market studies, training and capacity building, adult education, greenhouse gases emissions monitoring and verification, environmental governance and reporting, knowledge management and dissemination in the climate technologies, circular economy, and/or related fields - 20%

2.b. Firm’s previous relevant project experience in Ukraine and /or former CIS countries- 10%

2.c. CVs of Key experts in line with section Consultant Profile - 30%

2.d. Technical approach and methodology – 20%

2.e. Interviews – 20%

Note 3. Interviews: All firms with a combined score of 70% or more of the total marks available for criteria 2.a – 2.d will be invited to interview. The interviews must be attended by the following three Key experts: Team Leader, Senior Expert in climate technologies, and an Expert in sustainable reporting; interviews may be conducted via video-link, etc. Please note that costs associated with attendance to interviews are not reimbursable by EBRD.

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