Multinational - Covid-19 Support Programme in G5 Sahel Countries (Parc Covid-19 – G5 Sahel)
Management hereby submits the following report and recommendation on a proposal to extend a loan and award a grant to the G5 Sahel countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad) of UA 118.9 million and UA 89.6 million respectively from the COVID-19 Rapid Response Facility to finance the COVID-19 Crisis Response Programme in the G5 Sahel Countries (PARC COVID-19 – G5 SAHEL). This is a Crisis Response Budget Support operation as defined in the Operational Guidelines on the Programming, Design and Management of Programme-Based Operations – ADF/BD/IF/2014/35. It will be implemented over 12 months from July 2020. The Programme was appraised in April 2020 following requests to the Bank by the countries. Its design took into account good practice principles for the application of conditionality and the Bank Group’s NonConcessional Debt Accumulation Policy.