The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) is a multilateral development bank with a social vocation. Established on 16 April 1956 in order to bring solutions to the problems of refugees, its scope of action has progressively widened to other sectors of action directly contributing to strengthening social cohesion in Europe.
The CEB represents a major instrument of the policy of solidarity in Europe, in order to help its 40 Member States achieve sustainable and equitable growth: it thus participates in financing social projects, responds to emergency situations and, in so doing, contributes to improving the living conditions of the most disadvantaged population groups. The CEB contributes to the implementation of socially oriented investment projects through three sectoral lines of action, namely: 1- strengthening social integration; 2- managing the environment; and, 3- supporting public infrastructure with a social vocation.
Type of projects: services, supply, works.
In order to see CEB opportunities on DevelopmentAid, please click here.