The Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) shapes USAID’s development policy and programming guidance to ensure the Agency’s work is grounded in evidence and reflects the most advanced thinking in international development.
PPL is leading for impact! PPL leads USAID in:
Promoting partner country self-reliance by guiding and supporting USAID programs to define and achieve development objectives in a given country or region that strengthen a country’s ability to lead its own development journey, including by building local capacity and local systems.
Bringing together the best thinking from across and beyond the Agency to analyze, develop and share policies and good practices on a range of development issues including country self-reliance.
Helping the Agency become more effective by providing guidance and building staff capacity on USAID’s Program Cycle — the Agency’s operational model for planning, implementing, assessing and adapting development programming in a given region or country to advance U.S. foreign policy priorities, while supporting countries on their journey to self-reliance.
Strengthening the Agency’s capacity to build and use evidence to inform policies, strategies and programming at all levels.
Advancing U.S. interests through partnerships with traditional donors and emerging economies and selectively engaging with multilateral organizations, such as the U.N., the OECD and multilateral development banks.
Collecting and reporting official development assistance statistics on behalf of the U.S. Government.