The Ministry of Federal and Pastoralists Development Affairs established under the proclamation NO. 256/2001 that defined the powers and duties of the reorganized executive organs of the FDRE; and it was first organized into two main sectors. The Ministry was again reorganized under the proclamation NO. 471/2005 whereby the urban development was excluded and other powers and duties were given instead. In order to provide assistance, to the support deserving regions the federal Board have been established in which various Ministries are evolved to deliver overall support to the regions.
In 2009 by proclamation No. 641/2009 the Ministry has been given additional power and duties of handling the religions and affairs in order to maintain sustainable peace and security by ensuring tolerance and understanding among different religions targeting the overall development of the country.
Furthermore, by the proclamation No. 691/2010 the Ministry is again given power to ensure the proper execution at the federal level of functions relating to the registration of charities and societies and possession or use of arms, fire arms and explosives.
The Ministry is mainly tuned the Growth and Transformation plan of the country. Hence the core processes ought to bring equitable development in the less develops regions, to prevent and resolve conflicts, to strengthen Federal system, to uphold Federal – Regional; relations in the country, and to maintain good relations, peace and tolerance among different religions and beliefs.