Problems and solutions for job seekers around the world

ByDaniil Filipenco

Problems and solutions for job seekers around the world

Millions of people in every country across the world are searching for a new job every day. Some will have recently graduated and be looking for that ideal position to launch their careers while others will be keen to change their current job to earn more or to try something new, and there will be those who have lost their job who will be surfing the web in search of alternative income.

Whatever the reason for a job seeker’s search, a variety of difficulties can be encountered along the way that may well have something in common despite the different sectors, roles, or qualifications involved.

Let’s look more closely at some of the obstacles that a job applicant may face when trying to land that perfect job, and discover some solutions to overcome these. This information may well help to prepare a job seeker looking to meet employers or recruiters soon.

Problems faced by job seekers

The problem: Complex application procedures

All job postings feature specific instructions to complete an application and some may have many of these. Although this can make the process rather complex and lengthy, those job seekers who don’t follow the instructions risk losing out.

Moreover, many businesses deliberately complicate the application process to narrow down the candidate pool.

The solution:

Quite simply: Do it! If you are determined to find work and show that you are the ideal candidate, this is the path to take. Do not be deterred by the numerous stages and criteria but at the same time, make sure nothing is overlooked.

Take your time completing the application. Consider each step carefully and make sure you have complied with the instructions before moving onto the next section. You might want to pause and contemplate for a while before returning to the application later.

The problem: Keeping up with the pace of industry

Finding a new position is almost a job in itself. Additionally, organizations want their new hires to be knowledgeable and up-to-date with industry trends and innovations. It’s not uncommon for an employer to think that, if you are without a job when you apply, then you are out-of-date.

The solution:

Keep up with current events and what’s happening on the job market. Consider visiting seminars and various networking events where you will learn new information and meet new people. And don’t forget to update your social media profiles with that info as some recruiters perform a basic web screening of candidates. Refine a few of your abilities. Reading appropriate articles can help as well. The objective is to improve your abilities and guarantee that you are up-to-date in the field you are applying to.

The problem: “Isolation” from specialized information flows

Many jobs are not posted online or on specialized platforms because these are filled by individuals who recruiters already know. It is therefore useful to know the people who will be seeking to fill those positions that you want to apply for.

The solution:

It is best to begin building your network of contacts as soon as possible. To find your ideal position, it’s important to know many diverse people, both in your academic and professional life. This increases your chances of landing a good job since you will learn about jobs before any other candidates or get information about positions that have not yet even been listed. As mentioned previously, to increase the chances of meeting new individuals to add to your network, visit networking events, trainings, and seminars.

The problem: Lack of academic status

Take into account your schooling. Maybe it’s time to consider upgrading your abilities and trying to further your education. For instance, if you have a Bachelor’s degree in a certain field but employers commonly prefer people with a Master’s, you may want to find some relevant study opportunities in this field.

The solution:

There are alternatives if there’s no time or opportunity to return to education. Consider taking classes where you can gain exactly the right information or experience for the job.

The problem: Never hearing back from the employers

Usually when a person is looking for a job, they submit a variety of customized CVs, sending these to different organizations. Applying for just one vacancy and then waiting a few weeks before applying for another could take forever, causing the person to miss out on other fantastic opportunities. Not receiving a response after submitting many CVs can be upsetting and it can be confusing for a person to understand what’s happening and why no one is selecting them. Furthermore, there isn’t a chance to figure out how to improve the application that was submitted.

The solution:

Here, it makes sense to ask for advice. For instance, there are specialized services such as CV tailoring from DevelopmentAid where experts analyze keywords and descriptions relevant to your resume and tailor a cover letter, as well as customizing your CV based on specific formats (EU, World Bank, etc).

In addition, trained coaches can be hired to review your CV, and the information in it, and even conduct “training” interviews.

It would also be useful to watch training videos posted by recruiting experts online.

The problem: Being turned down

Many people hoping to be hired are often turned down but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is not suitably qualified or doesn’t possess the necessary skills or knowledge. However, being turned down numerous times may convince a person to give up their search.

The solution:

Besides improving your knowledge and skills, it is important to carry on applying for at least ten different jobs, even if you are unsure of what you want to accomplish. Address each job announcement individually and tailor your application according to the specific conditions.

Final word

Finding a job is challenging and requires a significant amount of time and effort. Plus, there’s always a great deal of competition. You have to invest hours in company research, online applications, networking, and interviewing. Having the necessary skills can help you to land the job you want.

Many job seekers can be deterred by the application process alone and then it can take weeks before you learn whether you have the job or not. If not, you will have to start the whole process again.

Although job seeking can present some difficulties, none of these are insurmountable. All you have to do is plan ahead and put the best practices into place.