Imaging, Lot 3
Start Date:Nov 9, 2018
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 586,200
Sectors: Health, Laboratory & Measurement
Name of the Project: Public Sector Research and Development. Sub-project: Modernisation of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Višegradska – Clinical Centre of Serbia
Contract Number: 404-02-59/3/2018-01
Subject of the procurement: Procurement of Medical Devices for the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Višegradska – Clinical Centre of Serbia, organised in 7 (seven) lots
Duration of contract: Delivery period will commence on the date of the advance payment. If the bidder does not require an advance payment implementation period will commence at the entry into force of the Contract Agreement (signing of the contract and submission of the Performance Guarantee) — 60 (sixty) days.