TMG - The Mitchell Group, Inc.

TMG - The Mitchell Group, Inc. Member

Jobs 8
Shortlists/Awards 14
Pricing strategy 2
Partners/Competitors 21
Last update: 1 day ago Last update: Feb 14, 2025
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:USA
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies:EC, USAID, WB, Other, Government, UEMOA
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ), World Bank HQ, Other, Government, West African Monetary and Economic Union / Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine
Sectors:Education, Grants & Grant Schemes, Information & C ...
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Education, Grants & Grant Schemes, Information & Communication Technology, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Logistics, Media and Communications, Monitoring & Evaluation, Procurement, Training
Nr. of employees:51-200
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


The Mitchell Group, Inc. (TMG) is a global solutions leader providing meaningful impact and sustainable solutions to development efforts affecting the lives of ordinary people. We are a veteran-owned business with over 30 years of international development program experience.  TMG has performed highly successful, long term contracts for such US government clients as USAID and National Institutes of Health (NIH) in supporting their various projects in multiple countries on 6 continents throughout the world. Many of those projects have been in Africa, where TMG has worked in 38 of its 53 countries and currently has offices in Ghana, Burkina Faso, Niger, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, and Ethiopia. Through these projects, TMG has gained broad, multi-sector experience in managing more than 100 US government contracts.  We work with a large group of highly qualified experts whose specialized skills provide expertise to perform services in various technical areas, logistical management, financial management, administration, project management, MIS services, capacity building, training, and other sectors. 

TMG has been a leading contractor in assisting the US National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and other domestic and international agencies with their important international biomedical research efforts to find cures for such human scourges as Malaria, AIDS and Ebola.  TMG has also assisted USAID in successfully performing major contracts implementing its international development programs in such functional areas as Monitoring and Evaluation, Education and Training, Health Services, Countering Violent Extremism, Disaster Management, Agriculture and Food Security, and Outreach and Communications.


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