Asia Clean Energy Partners
Jobs • 17
Shortlists/Awards • 11
Pricing strategy • 1
Partners/Competitors • 33
Pricing strategy
Legal residence:Hong Kong
Organization type:Consulting organization
Funding agencies: Asian Development Bank (HQ), United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ), World Bank HQ, Other, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (HQ), United Nations Office for Project Services (HQ), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (HQ)
Sectors: Energy, Media and Communications, Research, Training, Urban Development
Nr. of employees:11-50
Who We Are
Asia Clean Energy Partners Limited (ACE Partners) is an international firm that provides consulting and advisory services related to the energy sector with an emphasis on understanding markets, developing networks of expertise and knowledge; and evaluating and designing clean energy initiatives and programs. ACE Partners has its primary office in Bangkok, Thailand, allowing it to provide regional coverage with expert consultants and advisors across Southeast and South Asia and the Pacific. The firm helps clients accelerate clean energy deployment to achieve greater speed and scale.
The Needs We Serve
Governments, businesses, and regional organizations increasingly recognize the need to scale up efforts to transform the energy system, taking into account new advances in technologies and business models, the need to increase investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, and the development and implementation of net-zero strategies. However, they do not always have the in-house capacity or expertise to design, socialize, and implement their initiatives. ACE Partners has been established to fill this gap. We support the design and execution of effective clean energy initiatives, with a focus on four main areas:
a) creating insights through research and analytics;
b) designing and executing projects and initiatives;
c) connecting stakeholders with the knowledge, technology, and finance to achieve results; and
d) building knowledge and action platforms that facilitate networking, connections, and impact.
The partners who lead ACE Partners, Peter du Pont, Mark Lister, and Richard Edwards, collectively have more than 90 years of experience in the Asia-Pacific region, working with a cross-section of stakeholders—policymakers, experts and thought leaders, private sector investors and businesses, and civil society organizations—to help design and execute intelligent, effective, and resilient strategies for clean energy market development and climate finance. Our work includes experience and client engagements with donor agencies, development banks, international development institutions, and foundations, including the Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Climate Foundation, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), Institute for Sustainable Communities, REN21, the Tara Initiative, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), UN Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), and the World Bank.
These assignments include strong capacity-building components and regularly involve convening stakeholders, assessing economic conditions, and synthesizing inputs across diverse project teams to create recommendations to our clients for clean energy implementation and climate finance across Asia and the Pacific.
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