Institute for Economics and Peace

Institute for Economics and Peace

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Last update: Dec 12, 2024 Last update: Dec 12, 2024
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Legal residence:Zimbabwe
Organization type:Nonprofit institute / think tank
Funding agencies:Expertise France, IFRC, IMF, WWF Global, Caritas I ...
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Expertise France (formerly Agence Francaise d’Expertise Technique Internationale), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Monetary Fund (USA), World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund), Caritas Internationalis, Mercy Corps (HQ), International Republican Institute (HQ), Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (HQ), International Union for Conservation of Nature (HQ), Norwegian Refugee Council HQ, World Organisation for Animal Health - Organisation Mondiale de la Santé Animale (OMSA), Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Nordic Council of Ministers, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (Samoa), Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Secretariat), Global Environment Facility, World Maritime University, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Open Society Foundations, Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation, United Nations World Tourism Organization, TradeMark Africa (former Trademark East Africa), Green Climate Fund, Caricom Development Fund, OPEC Fund for International Development, Saudi Fund for Development, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands, PROPARCO, EIT Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), United States Institute of Peace (HQ), Alliance for Financial Inclusion, Global Water Partnership, HQ, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland / Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych, The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund - HQ, The United States African Development Foundation (USA), Asian Development Bank (HQ), African Development Bank (HQ), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia, Global Affairs Canada (HQ), Danish International Development Agency (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark), Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HQ), European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), European Investment Bank (HQ), Inter-American Development Bank (HQ), Reconstruction Credit Institute /Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (HQ), Millennium Challenge Corporation (USA), Nordic Development Fund, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand, Swedish International Development Agency, United Nations Development Programme (HQ), United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ), World Bank HQ, Other, French Development Agency (HQ), Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Belgian Development Agency, Caribbean Development Bank (HQ), Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (HQ), Government, Islamic Development Bank (HQ), Lux-Dev, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, North American Development Bank, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (HQ), Organization of American States (HQ), United Nations Office for Project Services (HQ), United States Trade and Development Agency, United States Department of State (USA), United Nations Secretariat (HQ), Council of Europe (HQ), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (HQ), International Fund for Agricultural Development (HQ), United Nations Children's Fund (HQ), World Health Organization (HQ), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (HQ), United Nations Environment Programme (HQ), Food and Agriculture Organization (HQ), International Labour Organization (HQ), European Training Foundation, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HQ), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (HQ), Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, The Seventh Framework Programme, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (France HQ), European Banking Authority, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, European Securities and Markets Authority, Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020), National Highway Authority, Central American Bank for Economic Integration / Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica (Honduras), European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Commonwealth Secretariat (HQ), Development Bank of Southern Africa, Italian Agency for Development Cooperation / Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione Allo Sviluppo (HQ), European Border and Coast Guard Agency (HQ), Alliance for Public Health, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (HQ), Islamic Relief Worldwide HQ, Japan International Cooperation Agency HQ, Japan International Cooperation System, Jamaica Social Investment Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Southern African Development Community (HQ), West African Monetary and Economic Union / Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine, Nonprofit organization, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (HQ), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Singapore), African Union, West African Development Bank (HQ), East African Community, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (HQ), Nuffic Foundation, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (HQ), United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (HQ), United Nations Population Fund (HQ), United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (HQ), Czech Development Agency, European Central Bank, Central Bank of West African States, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (HQ), Global Green Growth Institute (HQ), International Atomic Energy Agency, International Criminal Court, International Trade Centre (HQ), International Telecommunication Union, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (HQ), World Food Programme, World Intellectual Property Organization, World Meteorological Organization, Central European Initiative, Fairtrade International, International Organization for Migration (HQ), Gates Foundation, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (HQ), United Nations Volunteers (Germany), New Development Bank, United Nations University, International Renewable Energy Agency (HQ), Eurasian Development Bank (HQ), Nordic Investment Bank (HQ), Council of Europe Development Bank, Austrian Development Agency HQ, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HQ), UN Capital Development Fund (HQ), Korea International Cooperation Agency (HQ), Financial Sector Deepening Africa, International Maritime Organization, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (HQ), United Nations Institute for Training and Research, International Civil Aviation Organization (HQ), World Trade Organization (HQ), Bank of Central African States / Banque des États de l'Afrique Centrale, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, United States Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Labor (USA), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa - HQ, Goal Global (HQ), Oxfam International Secretariat, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation, Development Bank of Latin America /Banco de desarrollo de América Latina (HQ Venezuela), Economic Community of West African States HQ, Universal Postal Union, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, National Endowment for the Humanities, United Nations International Computing Center, Save the Children International, Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel, Private Financing Advisory Network, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States HQ, United Kingdom Research and Innovation, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Blumont (former International Relief & Development), Action Against Hunger /Acción contra el Hambre (USA), Family Health International, Danish Refugee Council (HQ), Conservation International (HQ), Catholic Relief Services - HQ, World Vision International UK, Aga Khan Development Network, European Space Agency, International Solar Alliance, Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank, Horizon Europe (2021 - 2027), Global Center on Adaptation, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Sectors:Advocacy, Anti-Corruption, Civil Society & NGOs, C ...
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Advocacy, Anti-Corruption, Civil Society & NGOs, Conflict, Corporate Social Responsibility, Decentralization & Local Development, Disaster Reduction, Education, Energy, Environment & NRM, Food Security, Fundraising, Gender, Grants & Grant Schemes, Human Rights, Information & Communication Technology, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Marketing, Migration, Mining, Monitoring & Evaluation, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment), Poverty Reduction, Regional Integration, Research, Risk Management (incl. insurance), Rural Development, Science & Innovation, Security, SME & Private Sector, Social Development, Statistics, Tourism, Trade, Training, Urban Development, Youth

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The Institute for Economics and Peace is the world’s leading think tank dedicated to developing metrics to analyse peace and to quantify its economic value. It does this by developing global and national indices, calculating the economic cost of violence, analysing country level risk and understanding positive peace.

The research is used extensively by governments, academic institutions, think tanks, non-governmental organisations and by intergovernmental institutions such as the OECD, The Commonwealth Secretariat, the World Bank and the United Nations. The Institute was recently ranked in the top 15 most impactful think tanks in the world on the Global Go To Think Tank Index.

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