Institute for Economics and Peace

Institute for Economics and Peace

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Last update: Jun 27, 2023 Last update: Jun 27, 2023
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Legal residence:Zimbabwe
Types:NGO, Consulting Organization, Academic Institution ... See more NGO, Consulting Organization, Academic Institution, Other
Funding agencies:Expertise France, IFRC, IMF, WWF Global, Caritas Internationalis, Mercy Corps, IRI, CLASP, Gavi, IUCN International, NRC, WOAH, JBIC, Nordic Council, SPREP, ICTP, ASEAN, GEF, WMU, Irish Aid, COMESA, OSF, SlovakAid, UNWTO, TMA, GCF, CDF, OFID, SFD, Arab Fund, ADFD, MFA Netherlands, PROPARCO, Climate-KIC, USIP, AFI, GWP, Polish Aid, AECF, USADF, ADB, AfDB, DFAT Australia, GA Canada, DANIDA, FCDO, EBRD, EC, EIB, IADB, KFW, MCC, NDF, NZAID, SIDA, UNDP, USAID, WB, Other, AFD, BADEA, Enabel, CDB, GIZ, Government, ISDB, LuxDev, MFA Finland, NADB, NORAD, OSCE, OAS, UNOPS, USTDA, US DoS, UN, CoE, SDC, IFAD, UNICEF, WHO, UNIDO, UNEP, FAO, ILO, ETF, UNHCR, UNESCO, CIP, FP7, ACTED, EBA, EIOPA, ESMA, Horizon 2020, NHA, CABEI / BCIE, CEDEFOP, ComSec, DBSA, AICS / DGDC, FRONTEX, Alliance, IFES, IRW, JICA, JICS, JSIF, OECD, PIFS, SADC, UEMOA, NPO, AECID, APEC, AU, BOAD, EAC Secretariat, Global Fund, NUFFIC, SPC, UN Women, UNFPA, UNAIDS, CZDA, ECB, BCEAO, CTBTO, EITI, GGGI, IAEA, ICC, ITC, ITU, UNRWA, WFP, WIPO, WMO, CEI, Fairtrade International, IOM, Gates Foundation, AIIB, UNFCCC, UNODC, UNV, NDB, UNU, IRENA, EDB, NIB, CEB, ADA, US CDC, UNCDF, KOICA, FSD Africa, IMO, OPCW, UN-Habitat, UNITAR, ICAO, WTO, BEAC, KFAED, IDC, USDA, US DOL, AGRA, Goal Global, Oxfam International, CEPF, FRRR, NEFCO, CAF, ECOWAS, UPU, BEIS, NEH, UNICC, SCI, CILSS, PFAN, OECS Commission, UKRI, US DFC, SECO, Blumont Inc, ACF, FHI 360, DRC, CI, CRS, WVI, AKDN, ESA, ISA, TDB, Horizon Europe, GCA, ITLOS
Sectors:Advocacy, Anti-Corruption, Civil Society & NGOs, C ... See more Advocacy, Anti-Corruption, Civil Society & NGOs, Conflict, Corporate Social Responsibility, Decentralization & Local Development, Disaster Reduction, Education, Energy, Environment & NRM, Food Security, Fundraising, Gender, Grants & Grant Schemes, Human Rights, Information & Communication Technology, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Marketing, Migration, Mining, Monitoring & Evaluation, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment), Poverty Reduction, Regional Integration, Research, Risk Management (incl. insurance), Rural Development, Science & Innovation, Security, SME & Private Sector, Social Development, Statistics, Tourism, Trade, Training, Urban Development, Youth
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now
Status: Active

Attachments 0


The Institute for Economics and Peace is the world’s leading think tank dedicated to developing metrics to analyse peace and to quantify its economic value. It does this by developing global and national indices, calculating the economic cost of violence, analysing country level risk and understanding positive peace.

The research is used extensively by governments, academic institutions, think tanks, non-governmental organisations and by intergovernmental institutions such as the OECD, The Commonwealth Secretariat, the World Bank and the United Nations. The Institute was recently ranked in the top 15 most impactful think tanks in the world on the Global Go To Think Tank Index.

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